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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I'm actually very close ( ) to the Donegal Springs marker NE of town. The KITT runway is shown on that map. Those pretty colors sort of did a jig (and a jog) to the west of me. The amount of time within the pretty colors was extremely short as well as that thing was hauling on through. With the cell moving with a NW component, you can see that NW of town would have been in the pretty colors for a much longer period of time.
  2. The radar looked great...honestly, I thought "this is it...here comes a very nice rain" and it literally went north and south of me with just a very light rain here. I'm now at .54" for July.
  3. No...that area almost completely split me perfectly. Watch the radar loop and you'll see the line break in 2 just before entering town. I just got to .10" today...and I thought you got between .50" and 1" last week? Or the week before? Sometime? LOL
  4. And again, it's that Ephrata - Akron - Lititz - Manheim corridor. They have been winning a lot lately. Still nothing other than the 43.6 seconds of drops from earlier here.
  5. Still a lot of activity/energy to roll through later - line starting to form that could threaten most of the area in the next few hours... https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=CCX-N0B-1-24-100-usa-rad Our window of opportunity wasn't even supposed to really start until about this time and last into the late evening hours.
  6. 99.9% of the LSV is dry right now. A miniscule cell just popped directly over my house. Huge rain drops. Maybe my luck is turning?
  7. For those interested- MU is really harping on X an outbreak of severe weather this afternoon and evening.
  8. Already up to 91.3 here. MU has had Lanco hitting the mid 90s today since last weekend. Going to be close.
  9. My high yesterday was 101.6, which was the 2nd hottest day since moving to Maytown in 2000. Just .11" of rain fell, a T of snow. Monthly rainfall is all the way up to .44"
  10. Oh yes, I know the place. East Hempfield had a lot of damage reports on 911.
  11. Yeah.. ended up with just .11". Monthly total is now up to .44". 4.88" since May 1st.
  12. My apologies to both of you. I got the 2 of you confused. With that little rain, it's a wonder he's not in a D1 designation.
  13. Lancaster and York 911 calls are going nuts right now. A lot in your area and a lot in Lanco along the Rt. 30 corridor and just north and south.
  14. Incorrect - he had almost double what I've had since June 1st coming into today.
  15. Hope everything is okay @Mount Joy Snowman - a ton of damage reports coming in from his general area.
  16. According to this...you don't belong on team drought Bubbler (or my team, for that matter)
  17. Yeah...the northern fringe just got us at home. @Mount Joy Snowman should be getting smoked now.
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