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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. 32 and rain here but it isn't freezing on any surface.
  2. @anotherman I agree with you 100% on the post you made in the other thread about the build up and anticipation of a snowstorm. The analogy of Christmas is spot on as well. I enjoy the hunt every bit as much if not more than the storm itself.
  3. Yes sir - we've had flurries or very light snow for most of the day actually, but in the past hour or 2 beginning to see cars covered and some spots on my road. Certainly a very festive scene today!
  4. I'm not sure why or how I quoted Eskimo Joe in my post, but it is indeed -SN here for the past 20 minutes. It's something...:)
  5. Rainfall from this latest torrential downpour brings my storm total to 1.66" with rain still falling.
  6. In a dry slot now. Not sure if that slug of heavy rain down near DC affects us, it looks like it might miss east. Sitting at. 96" for the day.
  7. I've picked up .33" of rain in the past 20 minutes. She's dumping...
  8. No offense to DT, but I don't understand his map. How can his "up to 1" line go up directly against his 3" line? Shouldn't there be a 1-3" area somewhere in between?
  9. Flood warning hoisted for the main stem Susquehanna from Danville on north. CTP mentioned that they're waiting a bit longer to see if and when warnings will be needed for areas further south such as Harrisburg and Marietta.
  10. Yes it is. And the River Forecast center has Wilkes Barre reaching moderate flood stage in a few days which is remarkable given how low it is now.
  11. Well... On nice days after winter storms, car washes tend to be packed. Packed to the point of me going home without the car wash taking place. Now...throw in a nice, 2", wind-driven rainstorm, and I'm giddy about saving the $ AND not having to leave my little oasis here in 62 degree comfort.
  12. I'm actually going up to Lake Placid in early February. It's been on the bucket list for years and I got inspired by Brian (Daxx) to make a trip north in the dead of winter. I'm sure while I'm up there a storm will go off the Virginia coast with 20" here at home with cirrus in the Adirondacks.
  13. Looks like we can add a Flying Trash Can watch to our flood watches and warnings...
  14. Time to head for the Tug! Hoping to get buried up there in several weeks.
  15. WPC "Loves" the Poconos for the rainy bullseye (see what I did there :))
  16. I've been fretting for the past several days the thought of losing my snowpack in a matter of a few hours on Christmas eve with the rain and warmth - no matter, I lost a LOT of my pack overnight. Holy crap! I'd estimate at least 50% of what I had when I went to bed melted, so there likely won't be much by Thursday's rains. I'm telling myself it's better to have lost/lose it now than the day before Christmas. :)
  17. I remember some of the mets! Russ Jordan, Bob Kurl, Dan Hurley...loved when they would say "at 10:30pm...National Weather Service radar is showing a large, growing area of snow which extends from Central PA down into central VA..."
  18. I've spent hours watching Weather Channel videos on You Tube from the Superstorm, Blizzard of '96 (some can be found with Hurricane and that John Bolaris guy) and of course, many from 2009, 2010, and 2016. Good stuff when I need a snow fix.
  19. I would think that this would set the stage for what might happen thereafter.
  20. Seems to me that it's a bad news/good news kind of day. First the bad news: Above is total QPF we should see over the next 5 days. For those of us east of the mountains, most if not all of that falls as rain. In fact, most of it falls as rain with temps climbing into the 50s. That means - goodbye snowpack, and adios white Christmas. Sort of a shame to lose it on the cusp of Santa's big day, but it is what it is. Going forward, it sure looks like there are opportunities to rebuild. Personally, the most exciting time of the year for me to have trackable threats is the end of December. Love having trackable threats over the holiday period. I remember last year being void of almost anything to track, so while we'll likely lose what we have now, there's reason to hope for what might be coming soon...
  21. That's awesome. Great memories being made, and to make 'em in the snow is a bonus. Good stuff right there...
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