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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Looks like with today's update, PA is now ranked 38th by percentage administered. As Canderson said, we are ramping up...
  2. I got my information from WGAL's website - they listed each state #1 down to #50 by percentage of those vaccinated. We WERE dead last. Having a higher total population than many, our total number of vaccines given should be higher than most, but #5 is surprising.
  3. I did see a chart on Tuesday that PA was dead last in the country in % of population vaccinated, at 8.1%. That's all I know, and I came across that looking for something else. Seems to be some pretty significant temp variations in the area per your wunderground map above. My wife says it's 68 at home, I have an unofficial 75 here at work.
  4. Good to know - that is pretty amazing that the record is that low for this date. She's toast. Probably. Maybe.
  5. Quite possible - by the way, I made a nice 6 degree jump in the past 18 minutes...
  6. Need to get the southwest wind cranking and it'll be off to the races. We need 30 degrees to get to your mark - possible, but I'd like to see it a little warmer than what it is now.
  7. 64 here...likely going to come up a couple of degrees cooler than yesterday's 67 here. Whatever, it's gorgeous!
  8. I have family that live near Ft. Collins - several years ago they had 13" OTG at 8AM and had bare ground showing at 2:00PM.
  9. Interesting...62 here. Yesterday I was much warmer than you, today a few degrees lower.
  10. It seemed like such a random, emotional thing to say - as you said, erratic. It is NICE outside today!
  11. DT ain't cancelling nothing based on a GFS run. Maybe...maybe if it was the Euro.
  12. Well done! Though I have to say...this is by far my least favorite day of the year. I hate turning clocks ahead (sleep purposes) and I will wistfully wait for one of my favorite days of the year coming in November when suddenly, it's dark before 5pm. To me, when it's dark early, it FEELS like it's time for winter.
  13. Thanks for sharing! Nice to see that 67 sitting right over the Trainer's house.
  14. Sitting at 67.2 here. Temps leveled off over the past hour. Down to 64 inside under the ACW.
  15. Approaching noon and it's 63.4 here. Making a run at 70 today and I think some warm spots push 80 in a few days.
  16. URGENT - SPRINGTIME WEATHER MESSAGE Itstrainingtime Weather Service Maytown PA 11:35 AM EST Tue Mar 9 2021 ...Significant home interior warmth conditions developing... PA CTP Maytown / Northwest Lancaster County- 11:35 AM EST Tue Mar 9 2021 ...CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING WARNING IS IN AFFECT THROUGH THURSDAY MARCH 11TH... * WHAT...Home interior temperatures rising above 65 degrees * WHERE...Maytown/Lancaster County * WHEN...Until midnight Thursday * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Be prepared for central air to be turned on for 1st time in 2021 PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Central Air Conditioning Storm Warning means that air conditioning start up is occurring or imminent. Plan on reduced temperatures beginning shortly after the onset of system startup, and allow for plenty of exterior noise as the outdoor fan runs. Temperatures inside the home should return to more comfortable levels following startup. Remember - Don't suffer, turn on the Air Conditioning! Many people suffer unnecessarily from high interior temperatures. Running A/C reduces temperatures and saves lives resulting from heat stroke. $$ Mike
  17. Great post. I think Covid fatigue is real and absolutely contributes to the punting. I never punt March, and won't this year either but I'll be honest and say that I am really excited about the weather for the rest of the week. Thing is - I will be just as happy to welcome back winter weather if and when it comes. At any rate - there has been doom and gloom for a year now, and a string of sunny, warm days will do the soul some good.
  18. It's usually in the upper 60s to near 70 at Hatteras in early June. I find it refreshing.
  19. I vacation early (1st week of June) specifically to take advantage of the warm air temps and cool ocean waters.
  20. As a lover of cold and hater of the heat, 60 is about the sweet spot for me from now until fall. Give me one week of 80s while on vacation though.
  21. 39 here now. Definitely a coolish day but it should feel good in the sun this afternoon.
  22. Bring it. I'm so looking forward to walking in pleasant weather. Like MAG, I still don't really see anything to get excited about, so if snow is finished, let's have some nice weather. 40s and winds in March is not fun if there's no real hope for true wintry weather.
  23. Stellar night for radiating...I finally cracked the teens, got down to 17.6 at 4:35AM. Already up to 28.
  24. It'd be interesting to hear his thoughts that led to his proclamation - I mean, he could very well be 100% correct. We won't know for a few more weeks. Just seemed sort of bold to make that kind of prediction when there's at least some suggestion of wintry weather.
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