Fair enough.
I'm not here to cast doom and gloom. I've been going on 3 hours sleep all week solely to stay up for the Euro, hoping and hoping that I see something that I like. The past 2 days I haven't seen that. I'm not here to piss on Cheerios, I'm here because I have a passion for weather in general, snow in particular, and I love to read and share. Funny, by nature I'm known as an extremely positive/optimistic person, but, and this is a big but...I do not roll with blinders on. I will not ignore negative things and pretend they don't exist. I tend to be the first, or one of the first, to throw the challenge flag in this thread. I've been an ardent follower of the weather since 1972. I've learned a LOT over the years, received a 104% final grade on Meteo in school, and would have pursued my met degree in college if life wouldn't have thrown me a curve ball years ago.
You've said this yourself - it's easy to be negative because more often than not, we fail when it comes to snow. If i downplay and you hype every potential event, I'll be right more than you. We know this, but that is NOT my intent. I try and share the why. And there are times when my "why" is off base even though I end up being "right" but the bottom line is this - I'm really just trying to be objective. Sometimes I take it too far, yes. But look...I want it to snow. Like really, really bad. And I'm looking for signs that this thing is going to come back.