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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. 68.2 at noon here. Sun filtered through a lot of high level cloudiness.
  2. 51 here now - can't wait to get out on the trail later today. Enjoy!
  3. Nice showers rolling through the past 90 minutes. Looks like between .10-.20". Keeping things green and growing!
  4. Yeah...I'm nowhere near ready for hot and humid weather (I never am) but I am getting anxious to get the garden and flower beds cranking and start planting.
  5. What defines a "moderate" frost? Is it less than a certain amount of grass visibility? LOL
  6. It's been an incredible spring by my standards. I've thoroughly enjoyed the AN days as much as the BN days like today. Every day like today is one less potentially hot and humid day!
  7. O's - 1-6 at home, 6-2 on the road.
  8. I was at Hersheypark that day. There was hours of continuous, distant thunder but it never rained. Around 2:30 our son texted me and said how horrible things were in Mount Joy, where he worked at the time. He screenshot an image of my weather station showing 6.11" at home, but the Mt. Joy- Manheim corridor had between 8-11" of rain. @Jns2183 this would be roughly 10-12 miles from Sunday night's event.
  9. 55 and partial sun here in the historic district.
  10. I just finished - I was one of at LEAST 4 in the neighborhood mowing at the same time. I was the only one in a tee shirt and shorts.
  11. Yep - I'm enjoying the pictures being posted very much...before I go out and mow my green grass.
  12. Per the New England obs thread, a few are now reporting 10"+ and counting. Good for them.
  13. Looks like parts of interior New England got a nice, heavy paste job overnight and this morning. Some pretty impressive totals coming in from a few locations.
  14. 39 on the weather station when I left for work at 6am. Saw a gorgeous sunrise on my way to the office - beautiful morning!
  15. Finished yesterday with .01" of rain. Despite that, grass needs mowed every 4 days or so right now.
  16. This would be a rare time when the GFS might be wrong...
  17. And unless it's exceptionally dry...I'd gladly steal the cold any day, any time. With that, a little light rain has begun falling here. Temp down from 61 to 59.
  18. Nothing here in the historic district...yet. Rouzerville stole my snow in the winter and the general theme of thievery apparently continues into spring...
  19. Thanks for finding and posting that! I drove around the "Boro" yesterday (I grew up right outside of Washington Boro) and the evidence is there...still a lot of standing water on 441 between Columbia and WB, mud everywhere, and vegetation flattened. Also confirmed that the highest (6") amounts were centered right on 999 near the Tomato Barn. I'm hesitant to post info based on hearsay as I've been burned before, but as I said yesterday, the people who were talking to me know what they're talking about. Nice to have it confirmed!
  20. Did anyone here record an outrageous amount of rain on Sunday night? I know that some of you posted storm totals of 1-2" (I had a weekend total of 1.11") but I was talking to 2 reputable people here at work that have rain gauges - for those that know the area around Washington Boro, there must have been a deluge Sunday night. Like a real deluge. One guy recorded 4.94", another recorded 6.06". Both said that it all fell in our hour. By the way, the 2 of them live less than a half mile apart. This seemed to be an extremely isolated "event" that I saw no news coverage of, but there are folks in the Washington Boro area that saw flower beds washed away, water in basements, etc. I see nothing remotely close to those totals in surrounding areas. But I absolutely believe it happened.
  21. Where did she learn those words?... Sad thing is, it's been warmer over your way.
  22. I think maybe my house has a cooling effect on the low-level temps around me.
  23. She's getting there - it was a little too warm to have the windows open though, so in this house the ceiling fans are on high with the central AC chugging along...
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