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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Well, it's been a long time since I've scored or bagged anything...so netted fits me better. LOL
  2. I think what he was describing to me was taking place hours before the game outside the stadium. Not unlike many other venues except that in the Florida heat...some of the students were dressed in a bit less clothing than up north here.
  3. Friend of mine here at work did a Florida football weekend last fall - he went to the Swamp on Saturday, Jacksonville on Sunday and then Tampa for a Monday night game. Highlight in a runaway was the Swamp...and this is where I need to censor my own comments here...but there was a lot of "sightseeing" amidst a whole lot red solo cups...
  4. Love getting off I95 and crossing the Indian and Banana Rivers heading into the Port area. One of my favorite drives full of anticipation of the vacation ahead of me.
  5. Call me surprised! The "Kingdom For Kids" with a little adult pizazz!
  6. MU says: enjoy the weather at the end of this week. Because after that... https://www.millersville.edu/weathercenter/forecasts/weather-discussion.php
  7. Well I don't know about that, I've never done that. Wait...isn't that the name of the road that runs through Port Canaveral and Cocoa Beach?
  8. Nice little town is Jersey Shore - that's where you pick up Pa. Rt. 44 and head north into the mountains.
  9. It's turning out to be quite a nice summer day - sun, clouds, a breeze and 82 degrees at 12:45pm.
  10. About how much did they get? Elliott said yesterday morning that somewhere in northern MD or southern PA was going to get 4" of rain by this morning.
  11. Might not be the best beach weather week from VA Beach down to Charleston:
  12. The smile on that dude - my wife is always asking me why I look so happy when I'm mowing....
  13. See, I was afraid that this would happen - that's why once it stopped raining back in June, I'd take my mower on a test drive back and forth down the ITT runway.
  14. I'd like at least a little refresher with the front on Thursday with what looks like a spell of dry weather coming up at the end of the week into next week. But I'm incredibly thankful for what's happened here over the past week. Everything is greening up and best of all...lawn mowers are humming again.
  15. One (good) thing I've been noticing from CTP - it seems like when summertime cold fronts are forecast to come through, the long range temp forecasts usually end up way too low. Meaning, a forecast high 5 days out of 79 ends up being an actual high of 86. CTP has been lowering the forecast temps after the passing of the cold front coming through on Thursday. Back on Sunday, they had me at 86/67 for Friday/Friday night, yesterday they had me at 85/64 for Friday/Friday night, and now this morning my forecast is 83/62. I like seeing temps going down as the time gets closer. Even if it's not much...it's better than getting excited for upper 70s when it ends up in the mid 80s.
  16. Daily housekeeping: Rainfall yesterday: .45" Rainfall since midnight: .12" Rainfall for July: 2.08" (of which 1.76" has fallen since last Wednesday)
  17. Just got home from work and drove through a deluge from Chickies to home. Up to .31" here and .22" of that in the past 10 minutes.
  18. Seeing a lot of local forecasts that some areas today and tonight will pick up 3-4" of rain - you're at the top of the leaderboard heading into the 2nd round of play.
  19. ...at least what you've gotten will help lay down a base for the future rains to accumulate better.
  20. Nice to see some early winners so far today. Hope even more join the fun as the day goes on.
  21. Cells are a poppin' over western York, Adams and eastern Franklin counties now...
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