Interesting reading about your perspectives on getting vaccinated down there, here is what I experienced as your neighbor to the north in PA...
I received my 1st vaccine on Monday. For those familiar with the Lancaster area, Park City was selected as a countywide mass vaccination center. Every step of the process was 100% painless - I made my appointment online on Saturday for my Monday appointment. Walked in and out of Park City in 23 minutes time...of which 15 minutes was spent waiting once I was vaccinated to confirm that I was fine. It could not have been organized and run more efficiently. I had my 2nd dose scheduled (4/26) about 1 minute after my initial jab.
We have thousands, yes thousands of open time slots here in Lanco - still not open to all demographics but with the amount of openings that we have, not sure why we haven't decided to open to all. Our cases are skyrocketing and time is of the essence.
That is my 1 post on this. Again, I appreciate reading your experiences and decided to share mine.