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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Moderate rain is falling. Oh how sweet it is! (and radar looks good to my west)
  2. It's coming. Hills on the York county side of the river are getting obscured from rain falling. Should be here any minute.
  3. It's coming soon. I think. I hope. #faithintheraindrops
  4. Still sitting at .01" here. Just cloudy so far today - not a drop. Yet.
  5. I hope it makes it over to me. Somehow, I managed a whopping .01" here.
  6. Holy cow. It's on the way here, I want no part of what you had.
  7. It's a new season high of 95 here. Great call @Bubbler86 who I believe "forecasted" a high of 95 in parts of the LSV for today.
  8. Right you are - I keep overlooking tomorrow's rain chances. Would be nice to get a few hours of light-moderate rains.
  9. This...please, please let some beneficial rains fall. Grass is brown and brittle. With several dry days looming, we need this front to deliver.
  10. Brutal night. Not totally unexpected. Simmons was embarrassing, and I have been a big supporter of him even when most had already turned on him. He lost all confidence in his ability. Shame it happened.
  11. You had rain last night??? That much? Not a drop here - I wasn't home but my wife said it never even looked like rain. Have fun Jon!
  12. Entire CTP area under a SLGT risk for severe storms today.
  13. Tomorrow officially starts the march towards winter.
  14. Yes. I have playoff priority with my season membership.
  15. I feel your pain. I'm running well behind a lot of people for rainfall.
  16. Noticed most of the more significant cells are north of Harrisburg moving east. Down this way the coverage is a bit better but the rain is generally light. .08" here over the past 2 hours.
  17. Yep...on and off rain here since about 2:45. Looks like we'll be drying out in the next hour.
  18. It sure is soupy out. Environment seems ripe for something to happen later...time will tell. I'm at 84/69 here.
  19. Also - grass has browned quickly again this week. Really noticing it today.
  20. She's getting toasty this afternoon - up to 87 here. My point and click is for a high of 84.
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