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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I was literally thinking about you this past Sunday - my wife and i decided to mix it up and go somewhere other than the local river trail for a walk. We ended up going over to the Heritage Rail Trail and started our journey at Hanover Junction, which as I'm sure you know is just south of York New Salem right off Rt. 616. First time for me in your nice little town.
  2. Agree Jon, this community has taken off during a period of time that this group typically has gone silent. It's very enjoyable coming in and talking weather AND whatever else is on our minds. With that...I'll "Lett" this here for now.
  3. I started the last couple - I'm deferring this time. New mojo is a good thing. You...you have the most seniority post wise, this is all you.
  4. 1993 - was watching the game with family (about 25 of us) who all hated Dallas equally. We made so much commotion that neighbors came over to see if we were okay. We were much more than okay at that point.
  5. Me either... On the other hand, I'd say the same about Rudolph.
  6. No way I win the contest - I was too far off on my guess for MDT, and that is the "hot spot" for this thread that people live and die for, so that removes me from contention.
  7. Susquehanna is up over 10' since this time yesterday - impressive:
  8. Well that's exactly what I had been reading about the past few days - the likelihood of spinners was there, but that they would be weak, short-lived, and not pose a significant threat to personal property. That NJ tornado was a bonafide monster.
  9. I was impressed with the winds here during the late afternoon and evening hours - the rain was blowing sideways in sheets. That surprised me too.
  10. I think the rainfall was pretty well predicted overall - to me, a bit of a surprise was the apparent strength of some of the tornadic activity. Some very sad images coming out of neighboring states, particularly from New Jersey.
  11. Also - I actually added a wee bit of water to my previously reported tally last evening. Final total was 7.13" here in the historic district.
  12. Can 2 consecutive days be any different weather wise?
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