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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. With emissions improvements and whatever else, we don't get the "Hazy" part of the trio like we used to. Even on our exceptionally hot and humid days, the sky is still blue. Back in the 70s and 80s the sky would be a milky white, and in the early evening the sun would often be filtered in the western sky. Just doesn't have that vibe anymore.
  2. Good. That's what I was expecting was going to happen overnight. Perhaps my early evening river walk will be quite pleasant.
  3. This is the time of year when I start getting tired of walking outside and having my glasses completely fog over immediately. I'm ready for a break. I was surprised this morning when this happened. It actually felt more humid to me this morning than it did yesterday.
  4. Tropical Storm Lee, my occupation, and my love for trains is what gave birth to my screen name. I learned all about training storms during that event.
  5. Funny thing about that night...I tried EVERY possible route that I could think of. One of those was going out 23 to Marietta. I knew if I made it to 441, I'd get home from there. But that creek (Little Chickies) was the denied access on quite a few roads, 23 included.
  6. I'm smart enough not to drive through floodwaters. I was stupid for going out that evening to begin with.
  7. That is my birthday - wife and I went out for dinner that evening and didn't make it home until the next evening. We spent the night at a motel near Mt. Joy, every route to our home was closed due to floodwaters. I couldn't get to work the following day either. I'll never forget that tongue of reds and oranges on radar that was oriented N/S from northern VA up through eastern PA. It sat over the Susquehanna river valley and just dumped for hours on end.
  8. I have some very light rain falling now here at work. What did MDT record in September 2011?
  9. I don't have records for what I got from Agnes (I was only 6) but September 2011 is the highest I've recorded, of course much of that was from Lee. My total for the month was 17.74"
  10. I'll be at the Sheraton in mid November. There have been soccer games ongoing on some of our previous visits...
  11. Do they play next to the Sheraton at Station Square? There's a soccer stadium next door, and that is where my son and I stay every year for a weekend when attending Steelers games.
  12. Appreciate the comments guys. Just want to be careful not to put people off.
  13. Yeah, I'm sorry - I shouldn't have detoured us. I know and respect that not everyone comes here to read and discuss sports. My bad.
  14. Are you excited Jon? How about Benny going 8th overall? Pretty cool stuff right there.
  15. Spent some time walking across our campus this morning and it does feel less oppressive than recent days. Almost nice out. Almost.
  16. Just realized that CTP lowered my rain chances today to 30%. That's a significant drop from the 70% it was showing yesterday afternoon for today. They do have 70% posted for Saturday, which seems high 3 days out. Current radar looks winterlike to me, with little streamers of showers in western and central PA.
  17. paweather took me behind the woodshed and gave me a good 'ole fashioned butt whooping yesterday, that's for sure!
  18. LOL. Just saw this after making my post - I'm definitely in that ribbon of clear that roughly runs up along the river.
  19. What a difference a day makes! After not seeing much sun until late morning yesterday, sun has been fully out here since virtually all morning. Just a few wisps of high clouds in the sky here at this time.
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