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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. That's a nice sign...a lot nicer than we have over here in the historic district. So Rouzerville doesn't identify itself as a part of PA?
  2. That's what Millersville is referred to in these parts. And they're already at 69.
  3. Yes, agree with you 100%. Delay of game is not a judgment. It's snapped on time or it's not. Unless it's basketball which brings judgment back into it. When teams inbound the ball, the 5 second rule comes down to how methodically the official waves his hand through the air 5 times. I swear with some officials 5 seconds is actually closer to 10.
  4. You got 50% of that right. Meh...I don't know who to root for tonight. I don't like either of 'em.
  5. I know my opinion won't be popular, but I'll throw it in the discussion - Having been a passionate fan of all 4 of the major sports since the mid 1970s, I hate what replay has done to the game. Yes, getting calls right has added some level of fairness/justice to game outcomes, but I fell in love with sports when the human element was a big part of the whole mix. Fans would scream foul every week when a perceived injustice occurred, that was a part of the Monday morning cooler talk that I felt helped fuel the passion. So many things have been done in sports to shorten the length of games...when I was a kid, I would go hoping for the longest possible game ever. But over time, attention spans have shortened because younger fans today are too distracted to invest in the nuances of the game. And as a result, boredom comes quickly, fans check out, and the leagues are left to create ways to shorten their product. I personally feel they've gone about it the wrong way. Reducing the number of innings, keeping the clock running when a player is out of bounds, and other measures have removed strategy and watered down the sport. Fact is, most sports games today are LONGER than they were before such measures were implemented. Why? Because we pause 10 times a game for 5 minutes so we can review the previous play. If a replay review could be accomplished in 30 seconds, maybe I'd feel a little differently, but most aren't. I feel today that we're watching an inferior product. Less plays (action) because the clock is kept running now while keeping the overall length of games the same by adding all of the saved time back on by stopping for replays.
  6. This is all so very true. Still...Tucker is in another class. The guy is special.
  7. Only thing I can say is he's on my fantasy team. And that...is why.
  8. Wow...glad I have Tucker on my fantasy team.
  9. Hard to see this team winning anything within the division at this point. Hopefully; as you said, calls for a front end loaded winter materialize...
  10. This is the Steelers team I expected and led me to my 6-11 prediction. Which might be too optimistic.
  11. Spectacular Sunday...Sunny with a fair weather cumulus and a refreshing breeze. 73 degrees. #itdoesntgetmuchbetterthanthis
  12. If I'm finished for the year, I recorded 45 days at or above 90 here, with 51 mornings where I stayed at or above 70. I'm a little more convinced I won't see 90 again than I'll see another night above 70. Shoot, Christmas Eve a few years ago I didn't get below 63 one night.
  13. Yeah, I was surprised to see that...reinforcing front leading to what should be a gorgeous Sunday!
  14. While you were correct, fact is, Villanova completely controlled the line of scrimmage. For much of the game Penn State could not run the ball AT ALL. Clifford was protected fairly well early on in the passing game but PSU's front line never got a push. It was sideways/backwards all day. Being a one-dimensional offense will not end well as they get into the meat of the schedule. Today was sort of a wake up call. Not to mention...Auburn is trailing the Georgia State Panthers in the 4th quarter...at Jordan Hare...so last week's win looks a little more tainted.
  15. It's gotten cloudy here and temps have leveled off. 74 now.
  16. Save for 3-4 big plays, PSU is being manhandled on the line of scrimmage by Villanova.
  17. Sunny and 75. Seems to be yet another significant overperformer with temps today.
  18. @CarlislePaWx- thank you very much for all of the information. I appreciate it. Admittedly, when I installed it I mostly relied on my own (flawed) reasoning.
  19. I sacrificed the wind to get the accurate temp reading. My station is only about 20' behind my house...but it's fully shaded save for a very brief period of time in the early evening when the high for the day has usually occurred anyway.
  20. @paweather - I think you'll end up pleased with your investment. Not sure what you've had to this point, but getting a weather station several years ago really upped my appreciation for weather events. It's "fun" tracking rain now...beyond total amount, you can now get accurate rates per hour, per event, per day, etc. Same thing with temperatures...again, keep the sensor in the shade as much as you can.
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