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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Made a slight amendment to your overall correct sentiment.
  2. 3rd down pass incomplete, but the defense was offside?
  3. Steelers defense = about a 95% chance the opponent converts that.
  4. My wife, bless her heart, SHE brought up to ME the fact that a year ago we had a big snowstorm. Man, did I feel embarrassed having her reminding me about a significant weather event...
  5. Very windy here in south Philly. Why is it always windy down here? I think we do wind well, we ain't got nothing on Philly.
  6. Much like it "seems" to take longer to warm up in the spring recently, the step down in December seems to have been muted in recent years. December 1983, or at least Christmas time, was brutally cold around here. I remember leaving work at 5pm on Christmas Eve and it was already right around zero.
  7. Yeah, to be clear, I think LNS's departure is somewhere around +6 or so as of yesterday. Tomorrow and Friday look to be close to a +15 which will spike the monthly number.
  8. On the positive side, we remember very well what happened in January 2016...
  9. Where's Canderson? I see that LNS is, or will be running a +8 to +10 departure for the month by the end of the week. #candersondelayedbutneverdenied
  10. I think that's a fair analogy. I was thinking about this and the whole "punt winter" idea on the drive to the office this morning. Winter is young (even by met standards, we're only 2 weeks deep) so there is so much ahead of us. My only "frustration" is that I most appreciate snow during peak snow retention season, which is now through January. In that regard, we're losing precious time somewhat quickly. By average, February is our snowiest month of the year. It's also the time when on sunny days we see our beloved pack disappear quickly - after the 2 huge February storms in 2010, I lost 8.5" of pack the day following the 2nd storm. It was a sunny, 32 degree day. We wouldn't have lost half as much if it was a sunny, 32 degree day today.
  11. 30 and quite frosty this morning. Nice to see the ground whitened up.
  12. As it stands right now, 3 out of the final 4 games are at least winnable to some degree. They could easily lose them all, too. However, Tomlin has 10 days to prepare for this week. What can go wrong?
  13. And that was my point. Replace it with something that you can't control with something you can. And yet still continue to be miserable.
  14. I used to wake up every morning and gauge how well the overnight model runs were based solely on how many new pages were added to the MD/VA thread. If there wasn't more than a page or two...close the curtains.
  15. 1. Watch Steelers games before annual trip 2. Attend a Steelers game 3. Watch the "highlights" after the Steelers game 4. Remind yourself that next year, you're not going to a Steelers game. 5. The following week, buy tickets for your next Steelers game. 6. Confirm reservations for said Steelers game. 7. - 12.: Repeat the first 6 steps. This will divert your mind from something that you can't control in life to something that you actually can, but yet choose to continue to do it anyway.
  16. I've seen them the past 2-3 days. Had not noticed them until you mentioned them. Feels very weird the week before Christmas.
  17. Sorry, wasn't saying you were worked up. I was just sharing how relentlessly chasing affected ME. My disposition would be negatively affected if the weather didn't do what I wanted. It took a long time for me to step back and realize that while I love snow, my overall health and sanity is far more important.
  18. Meh - step outside (if possible) and enjoy today. Can't control what will or won't happen. I spent far too much of life getting all worked up, worrying away my wishes for snow and cold. If and when it comes; great, but don't miss out on what we have today.
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