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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. 2.52" for me. Was out driving looking at lights on Christmas eve in a downpour. Watched the snowpack vanish in front of my eyes.
  2. That's been another ongoing theme - the lack of rainfall the past couple of months. Imagine if the temps were conducive for snow and every event dried up like our rain chances have?
  3. Temp has been slowly but steadily falling all afternoon. Now sitting at 39.
  4. Euro certainly didn't build on any holiday magic that the GFS was trying to stir up later in the run.
  5. In an era where we can count on very little, we can always count on warmth. Always.
  6. LOL. Was just getting ready to post that. Would offer what the pattern suggests - a snow>mix type of storm.
  7. Just saw the GFS - thing I like is that the progression leading up to 1/3 makes sense. Doesn't mean it will happen but the potential result is not outlandish.
  8. 56... It's really about how you feel though, right? I'm screwed. Well, I guess I'm not.
  9. 12z GFS is going to begin the flip to model depiction we're looking for. I can feel it...
  10. Unarguably, the best high school in PA. I've always dreamed (don't laugh) at being on Sunday Night Football, and when they have the players introduce themselves, I would give my name and say "THE Penn Manor High School".
  11. So, so good. Dutch Haven makes great shoofly pies, and Bird in Hand bakery makes amazing cakes.
  12. Willow Street's all screwed up - can't even send the kids to the same school district.
  13. I don't think I've been there in years. Paging @Atomixwx
  14. Ha! No, I left them out on purpose. I didn't want to overwhelm the thread with all of Lanco's cool town names at once.
  15. All this talk about these places...Lanco isn't getting any respect. I mean, we got you an Intercourse, a Bird in Hand...
  16. That's okay. I'm up 209 points in my fantasy league with 3 weeks left. I should be able to coast to victory at this point - having Taylor and Kupp has paid off handsomely. Kupp is a freaking machine.
  17. Sounds like the idea is that the precip races through overnight and by sunrise, it's outta here. That should set the stage for a partly sunny Christmas with a high around; oh, about...52?
  18. Wasn't following the weather forecast for Philly but was surprised to see how nasty it was down there last night. Mist/drizzle was the worst type of precip to fall into freezing temps where it occurred. Got down to 28 here. Working from home today and have not been out but it looks completely dry from what I can see. Farmdale cutoff? (skies must have been "less cloudy" here resulting in my lower temp)
  19. Oh, I'm not arguing with you at all. After I saw your post I went to see what CTP had for me on Saturday. They have rain overnight Friday, but just Mostly Cloudy for Christmas Day.
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