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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Huge dendrites are now falling...and thanks for the updates.
  2. Pretty good returns have moved back in but it hasn't translated into much flakeage here yet. Yes, I just made up a new snow word.
  3. If that's right, I'm in line for 6" more. I'm somewhat skeptical I'll get THAT much.
  4. That's good because it has diminished to a few lonely flakes here now.
  5. Thanks. I'm happy it's snowing. A huge win is not seeing grass in the morning. Anything else is gravy.
  6. No heavy snow here yet as well...only periods of moderate. We're currently separated by .1"
  7. 27 here with snow alternating between light and moderate. 1.3" so far, which means that the grass will be disappearing soon...
  8. I've seen it all now - snowing so hard in Adams county that it's accumulating upside down...
  9. In fairness, some of the ones I see complaining are those who also missed out the other day. (Winchester gang) Here - SN 28/26
  10. Every snow event brings surprises. I figured you'd be in the mid 20s at this point. PSUHoffman seems really excited by what's unfolding. I like reading that.
  11. I'm genuinely perplexed - you've had much better rates for a significantly longer period of time and yet I dropped off into the 20s within the first 30 minutes of snow falling. I must have had a lower dew than you at the onset.
  12. Immediate stickage here. Temp was 33 at 7:30, down 4 to 29 now.
  13. In full disclosure...the AC is off. For now. Heat was turned on for the first time this season a couple of days ago. Temp was 54 the other morning and my wife had enough. It's a sultry 65 in here now.
  14. SnowMow2022 has been completed! Grass length is 1.5" - hoping to not see it for some time now.
  15. 34 here as well after a high of 37. Dew is in a good spot at 19...not too dry, but dry enough to wet bulb.
  16. I can't tell you how many times over the years I've been under a Winter Storm Warning and received 0" of snow. Those warnings mean NOTHING to me, other than the obvious (impending significant winter storm is likely) How much snow piles up in my yard is not influenced by wording from the NWS.
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