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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Looks like the HRRR wants to swing the squall line through the LSV between 11am - 1pm tomorrow.
  2. Also - CTP has a 50% chance of heavy snow showers tomorrow. That would be fun if it verified.
  3. Wow, did I ever miss out - neither my wife or myself heard a thing overnight. And those types of things typically wake me up. Interesting. I received a total of .46" of rain, .43" yesterday and only .03" with the frontal passage overnight.
  4. Temp here is going nuts - it had dropped to 54 earlier this evening in the rain, now cloudy, extremely windy and 63.
  5. I ALWAYS appreciate what you have to say. You can like warm weather every bit as much as the next person who doesn't. While snow brings most people here, it's a weather forum, not a snow forum. 53 with rain here. .34" in the bucket and I'm loving all of it.
  6. Temperature really spiked here between 10am and 12:30pm. Since then, the cloud deck has really lowered and the temp has slowly started backing down now. Should be interesting to see what kind of winds we get later on.
  7. 64, mostly cloudy and very windy here. AC is humming at home.
  8. It was 38 when I went to bed last night, woke up to 52.
  9. I proactively contacted the front office earlier and asked them to move the game to April. Press release coming tomorrow stating the date change and reason - paweather storm looming.
  10. I don't think anyone who knows me in real life or on here would consider me rude. Think what you want to think, my challenge stands to you to read through your posts and consider how they're received in relation to how the rest on here post. If it's not obvious to you at that point, people will only assume that you're either trolling or at the very least need to post "better."
  11. That's exactly why I mentioned the timing. It'll be the only chance for any ground truth if it went down as shown.
  12. A trailing wave gets us a few/several hours of snow - timing looks good as depicted.
  13. Agree completely. I live just outside of this thread's area to the west but enjoy reading the thoughts expressed in here. There's almost never anything but good discussion. It's equally hard and disappointing to read his "contributions" which seem to me to be little more than an attempt to be disruptive.
  14. The intelligence level here dropped significantly with your return. Why is it so important to you to act like this towards good people? There's a reason why you were banned and the others were not - think about it.
  15. He has all of it. I was just looking at it recently. I mean, to understand the context, I followed Eddie Murray for 20 years. I saw him play literally hundreds of times. I knew more about Eddie than Eddie knew about himself. I'm watching him hit number 500, and I'm sitting there thinking why I wasn't there to see this? Then I get a call the next day from someone who had NEVER gone to an Orioles game in his life, and he just happens to catch history? What are those odds? Okay - back to weather. It's warming up quickly - after a low of 25, it's already up to 38 now.
  16. Speaking of which...my closest friend today is someone I went to school with 40 years ago, and now today we work together. He is casual baseball fan who somewhat follows the Phillies but has never been an Orioles fan. Well...he went to his first O's game the very night that Eddie hit his 500th homerun. And guess what? He was the final destination for the path of that homerun. If you pause the video at around the 15 second mark, you'll see my friend with the ball raised getting hugged by his wife. He was whisked away by security and met Eddie after the game. Eddie gave him 2 signed bats, 2 signed jerseys, and other items in exchange for the ball. All of this while I'm watching at home. I didn't realize until the next day who caught the ball. I mean...this is like Blizz tracking snowstorms for 20 years and never seeing a flake, and then he leaves the area and Marysville gets 3' the day after he leaves. Pretty much how I felt. Yeah, I was sort of jealous:
  17. Eddie was my idol during my teen years. Just like the 76ers seemed to lose every game I went to during the first half of this season, Eddie almost always homered at games I went to during the late 70s and early 80s. Always. The thunderous chants of Ed-die...Ed-die...Ed-die raining down at Memorial Stadium...I'll never ever forget it. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.
  18. I was 14 at the time and my life was baseball. I absolutely went nuts after this:
  19. That's awesome! If I still had my radio I'd be listening as well.
  20. Yes! And then late night "entertainment" that I would leave on after my parents went to bed!
  21. Putting myself out there a bit - during childhood winters I slept with my NOAA weather radio. I always got excited when Bob Kurl would say "at 2:35am, National Weather Service radar shows an increasing area of snow...this area of snow extends from Central PA all the way south into Central Virginia. This area of snow is slowly moving north at 15 mph".
  22. Cable TV - my goodness, it didn't even exist until I was well into my teens. Once it arrived it was years before I realized that life existed outside of The Weather Channel, Home Team Sports, and PRISM.
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