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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Police are everywhere down here. Wow. Going to be a crazy night.
  2. Who cares. I'm so done with baseball at this point. Sickening to watch the game I loved get destroyed.
  3. It looks MUCH drier to me - some areas in Central PA get a couple of inches. Not many areas in the entire state get more than 6". Edit: I don't see anywhere in the Commonwealth over 6"
  4. Thanks Stephen! So, you had less precip but still managed more snowfall. This tells me that my biggest issue yesterday was indeed the temp. (some might say that more precip would have lowered my temp further, but I had the QPF)
  5. Trust me, you're not the only one feeling like that right now...
  6. The Black Knight standing up and doing some Thursday morning dirty talk. I like!
  7. I'm glad he corrected you before I did. Don't mess with the Comets buddy.
  8. Right, and that seems like the most probably solution at this time I think.
  9. I missed this post! You are exactly right - I was a student at Marticville back in the 1970s. (gulp) I remember one winter when we got an early dismissal at the middle school - by the time the busses pulled out of the lots, there was probably close to 6" on the ground and it was snowing like crazy. I was pumped! My bus headed NW towards the outskirts of Millersville and by the time I got home...there was less than 1" on the ground. I was never more ready to go back to school that day.
  10. Most likely scenario for the LSV looks like maybe an inch or two on Saturday?
  11. This. My grass is WHITE this morning - all of that rain water froze overnight and the ground looks very wintry. Also, very dense fog in low lying areas especially along the river.
  12. Someone better tell CTP because they have me at 56 on Monday which is 5 degrees AN, and then in the low 60s starting Tuesday which is a +10.
  13. We have had a lot of issues - too far north, too far west, too far east, not cold enough, etc. I slightly disagree about today's event specific to my area regarding temps and rates. Heavier rates simply lowered my temp from the upper 30s (it was 38 and raining steadily when I left for work) to the mid 30s during the most intense periods of snow. If we would have been say 35-36 and fell to 33 or so, it would have been a different story. @CarlislePaWx was holding at 32.9 I believe for a good portion of the event - I'll be interested to hear how much QPF he had to see if he had more snow because he had lower temps and or higher QPF.
  14. I had .62" of rain today. That's a solid amount of precip and yet my temp never fell below 35 at home. Perhaps in your area the issue was rates, but down here it was definitely more about the temperature. (to clarify - there were times when it was all snow but not sticking with temps in the mid 30s) If it had been a few/several degrees colder, I would have had more snow and more stickage.
  15. He could have somewhat tenuously called victory today but I think he's seeing the writing on the wall...
  16. Well I'll be doggoned - look who's getting excited for Saturday... 2/2 ..from the 40s around sunrise into the 20s during the afternoon, resulting in "flash freezes" & roadways turning icy, snow-packed, & slippery. Wind gusts of 50-60 mph will accompany the Arctic front & persist into Sat night, leading to downed trees/powerlines & power outages. 19m MU Weather Center@MUweather 1/2 I'll be talking more about the Saturday storm tomorrow, but it's becoming increasingly likely that the two pieces of energy mentioned in Monday's SWD will join forces at "just the right time & place" to bring an accumulating snow event to southeastern PA. Temps will plunge..
  17. You make a good point. Man, if it didn't take you long to feed on my bait. LOL I have no idea who bought my tickets for the Mavs game but I did "pretty well" on said transaction... Luka was feisty the other night.
  18. I'm ready. Turned down a LOT of money to sell my seats. I gouged a poor Mavericks fan blind for next week's game so that I'll feel better about going tomorrow. Besides, my wife and I are on a roll now. We've seen 6 wins in our last 7 trips. Got to keep the momentum going!
  19. I just wish it wasn't 1pm - but with rates and temps it can still work...
  20. In a meeting and can't look myself but that's intriguing...
  21. Until 2016, WE are the Chicago Cubs... "Wait until next year"
  22. Just talked to my wife a few miles down the road from you and it's snowing there as well. All rain here at work for the past couple of hours.
  23. That would be a great finale - snow and then extreme cold. Is it too much to ask? I'm still intrigued...
  24. The cold coming this weekend is impressive. I wish we'd have fresh snow cover to maximize the overnight lows.
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