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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I wanted to come back and respond to this. You are so right. I admit that I struggle a lot with obnoxious fans, or fans that just tend to talk "stupid". I will never brag on my team nor will I ever give someone else a hard time unless I feel like I'm being provoked to do so. I will say that back in 2011, I was getting beat up by Red Sox fans all season long. A lot of it was...classless. I never once provoked anyone, but it didn't stop the trash from being hurled at me. Of course, all the Red Sox had to do was beat the Orioles on the final day of the regular season to clinch a postseason birth. Camden Yard was full of red and blue that night...trust me on that, I was there. Well, the O's came back dramatically and walked it off which sent the Sox home packing. The team and the fans celebrated like we won the World Series. Honestly, I felt vindicated and more than satisfied. I don't think I've ever felt more smug as I did that night walking out. And I told more than one Red Sox fan where to go. LOL
  2. 48 here now. No lightning or thunder but it is pouring. .53" on the day and adding up rapidly.
  3. I mean...honestly, those kinds of statements come back to bite the offender in the arse far too often. My son talks like that about the Steelers, and it pisses me off to no end. Back in 2014, we were at the Buccaneers game at the Ketchup Palace. The Bucs finished 2-14 that season...guess who one of their wins was against? And it was without their starting QB!
  4. So far today, .35" of rain has fallen. That takes me to 1.01" over the past couple of days.
  5. Personally, I would never make "we're not going to lose...." predictions with the 76ers. Ever.
  6. I'm mainly giving you a hard time...but nothing is easy for this team. I was at the Charlotte game this past Saturday. It was my 21st game in person this season. It was the first we've won by double digits.
  7. Raptors are tonight, and are favored to win. Umm, we lost to Detroit by double digits just last week...
  8. @Bubbler86 - update from Elliott at MU tonight...kudos to you, you've been all over this for days: Smaller-scale disturbances rotating around the base of the trough will interact w/a pocket of cold air aloft to produce another brisk, chilly & unsettled weekend in the mid-Atlantic. In fact, graupel or snowflakes may yet again mix in w/scattered showers across the region.
  9. Wait a sec - you know that course? It's 5 minutes from my casa.
  10. That's just it- those who regularly attend sporting events in Philly can attest that it's almost always windy down there.
  11. Yes it will - I'll be with the team out on the links playing golf.
  12. I've tailgated in driving snowstorms at the Beav. Doing so in a south Philly parking lot isn't the same vibe.
  13. More cold weather for the final 2 games of my 76ers season. Cold walk from the parking lot to the building - it never once warmed up nice enough to enjoy some tailgating this season.
  14. Probably a top 5 weather "experience" for me - I love when that east wind kicks in suddenly and temps start to drop. Something I don't think about a lot but when it happens...yeah, you're right. That's a great weather moment.
  15. Morning - .66" of rainfall here: .25" fell prior to midnight .41" today.
  16. This rainy weather followed by next week's warmth will send your grass soaring.
  17. My high today was 58 - clearly, we see who the heatmiser really is...
  18. I mowed for the 5th time this spring this afternoon. Now, before people chuckle over my grass length fanaticism, my grass was nearly 8" high today prior to mowing. Yes, it has been growing THAT much...
  19. Same thing, different year down there. Always the same people saying the same things. I know that you know me well enough to know this, I in no way think nor expect it's going to warm up and stay warm. I hope I didn't come across that way. I'm just especially weary of the wind and cold for some reason.
  20. 51 with clouds and sun. I'm all about anomalous weather events, and snow in mid April sounds "interesting" - at the same time, I've never been more ready for sustained warmth. The cold and winds of late have flat out sucked.
  21. Temps in the mid 40s with a gusty wind makes for a miserable afternoon. It actually felt better outside at 8am this morning than it did at 3pm.
  22. Odd thing - during the graupel shower the temp dropped from 50 to 49. About an hour later I had an all rain shower that dropped the temp from 52 down to 46.
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