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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I feel like this is the QB that Allar is. He just needed someone to let him play.
  2. That 4th and 1 for WV that was short a half yard might be the worst reviewed call in NCAA history.
  3. Last night my forecast from CTP was for 3/4" - 1" of rain tonight. This morning? .10" - .25".
  4. Same here. Having said that- we've had predicted "epic, historic patterns" over the past couple of years that did nothing but drop a giant dukie. So, perhaps we'll catch lightning in a bottle this winter.
  5. The most optimistic (weenie?) red tagger in terms of snow on the entire board is really negative about the upcoming winter. Reversal of fortune?
  6. If it doesn't rain here tomorrow night...it will likely be 3 weeks at a minimum between any amount of rainfall.
  7. My monthly total of 4.95" seems pretty good until you realize that the majority fell during the first 10 days of the month. It's drying out quickly yet again.
  8. MU - heavy, drenching rains for Bubblerland with far less rainfall in Lanco. Heat indices around 90. (mine currently is 90)
  9. It's 84 at 10:45am with a dewpoint of 71. It's still obnoxious outside.
  10. Thanks - I've talked about these winters/storms in this thread often over the years. The 1978 storm is still top 5 in my book.
  11. This...is comical. More strained neck warnings in South Philly. Hoping for the no no too. Our record is now 2-8. We want to get a 17 game plan next year.
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