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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Well I wouldn't say "far" but I really do think there's a chance for one more event.
  2. They are only 1.5 games from being #5 in the east. They could easily drop to as low as #6 but won't drop below that.
  3. Understood. I haven't given up on anything - they just aren't as good as a lot of people assume that they are. Expecting this team to win the title; even the eastern conference is like expecting snow maps to verify. Remote chance.
  4. You should be a private detective. You are the master at uncovering information.
  5. They continue to prove to me that they are not an elite team by a long shot. Orlando deserved to win last night.
  6. Next 2 weeks should average out well above normal. After that, the plot thickens...
  7. I ended yesterday with 50/50 coverage. 26.5 when I left for work at 6am.
  8. I certainly can understand and respect you for that...even if this might be the first time I've disagreed with you.
  9. Temp is slower to climb than I would have thought. Currently it's 23.5 here. @Bubbler86 I think you mentioned last evening that a model was showing highs today staying at or below freezing? That might verify.
  10. I've never had a problem with the time changes twice a year. It wasn't until the past few years that I realized how passionate some people are over this. It's just never been a thing for me. Having said that - I look forward to going back an hour. I love extra long nights.
  11. Over the past 5.5 hours, my temp has only dropped 1.9 degrees. Sitting at 20.1 currently.
  12. Oh, trust me I was thinking about it. I didn't have a station at the time and wasn't sure of the temp.
  13. @anotherman - I love looking at fresh snow in the countryside. Beautiful pics!
  14. A couple of random thoughts: It's 22 degrees at 5pm on March 12th. That's got to be close to record territory for the date and time of day I will never post a snow map again. They were ALL way off for here.
  15. Snow has ended here. Temp is 23.4 I have between 1.5 - 2" on the ground. Probably had about 3" total prior to melting and compaction.
  16. My temp is also 24 and yet there is still no accumulation on anything paved...
  17. Moderate snow here - only accumulating on grassy surfaces. Any concrete, windshield, or road surface is 100% wet.
  18. Snow has stopped, and the temp has gone from a low of 28.0 up to it's current 30.4.
  19. One thing that really stands out right now - in mid March, it's either ripping or dripping. If this was January, I'd have a few inches on the ground that would be slowly building with the light snow. Now, it has to be at least moderate to heavy to accumulate. If not, we drip. I'm at 28.4 degrees currently - I was just outside and it sounded like a shower running in front of the house. I will no shoveling to do - all paved surfaces are wet, and most of the snow that was on the cars is gone.
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