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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Mount Joy has plenty of parking directly above the station. The entire area (parking, platform, and access) was completely revamped in the past few years. It's a very nice setup. It's also signed well for those who are new to using the station.
  2. Backing down incrementally so that when it's 83 the first week of April the sting won't be so sore...
  3. Elliott hedging a bit now on April snow...seems a little less enthused: https://www.millersville.edu/weathercenter/forecasts/weather-discussion.php
  4. I got home yesterday at 5pm and the temp inside was 71. I was aghast. Neither the heat or the AC was on, but that lasted all of 5 seconds. I had it down to 65 in a matter of minutes. In all seriousness - if I didn't have the AC running on a day like today, it would easily be 75-77 inside by evening. I have a lot of east and south facing windows.
  5. Oh, I know it's true. HR is the southern California sports fan...late to the game and first to leave.
  6. Just realized that it's an even 70 at home. Wife reports that the AC is a crankin'!
  7. I pack my lunch, get my shower, and have my clothes for the next day precisely arranged all in the evening. I wake up, get dressed, take care of "business", grab my lunch and I'm off. 30 minutes until I'm working as well! Only difference is that I have a 20 minute commute.
  8. I'll read Blizz's comments but don't spend much time looking at the maps...
  9. From the time I get out of bed to getting in my car is about 10 minutes. I eat breakfast (granola bars and juice) at my desk and take care of overnight emergencies first (did the Euro move north, south, east, or west, and what did the 6z NAM show) before moving on to less important, work-related activities.
  10. On a typical work day I've got a good 2-3 hours in already. I'm almost always the first in the office, but HR people typically are lazy.
  11. Yeah, I was shocked when you reported the 52. I had to do some quick checks to make sure that I was in line with other readings. I'm at 65 now.
  12. It feels more like a gorgeous May day out there today.
  13. Were you thinking that I, of all people, was reporting inflated numbers?
  14. It's been interesting to read the thoughts of you who have shared about the time change issue. There is a lot that could potentially be impacted if there's a change. I think it's great that while there are some on both sides of the ledger, everyone has been respectful of the thoughts of each other.
  15. Holy cow - 62.2 in the historic district. 70 should be a lock unless clouds spoil the party this afternoon.
  16. We had many a baseball game get suspended due to early darkness, particularly April games. For someone who had 2 sons play from the time they were 5 and right through high school, my omission of this fact is embarrassing. I was fixated on darkness in December.
  17. Hmm - on Sundays, I MIGHT sleep until 7:30 - 8:00, but the rest of the week I'm up between 4:30 and 6:00am. When I leave for work my I always notice multiple people in my neighborhood in the process of leaving as well. By the time the elementary bus comes at 8:15, the neighborhood is a ghost town.
  18. Oh my goodness no. In the grand scheme of life, this isn't that big a deal...but yet it kind of is. It's very nostalgic - you know when it's dark before 5pm that it's likely between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Definitely adds something special to the season.
  19. 70 for the high here. Boo to DST. I will greatly miss pre-5pm sunsets leading up to Christmas.
  20. 68 here as well - though there are some clouds moving in now.
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