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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. That makes a lot of sense. Much of my yard is exposed to full sun, and with the rains that I've been getting on a regular basis...
  2. Yes, and it's been that way for a few weeks now. I'm thinking I'm closer to 20 mows now than 15.
  3. I mowed last night. Grass was about a uniform 6-7" high. I mowed last Tuesday and Saturday, and after tomorrow's grass washing I'm sure I'll be out either Saturday PM or Sunday to do it again. I asked my wife last night how many times does she think I've mowed this year, and she thought about 15-18 times. Probably about right. Only once would I say that I mowed when I probably didn't have to, but that was to prepare for an early spring season potential snowfall. LOL
  4. I ain't sayin' no such thing brother. I can't tell you how many times over the years that I was "positive" that a baseball game I was going to was going to be washed out...and it wasn't. And there were also a few times when a game got wiped out that I never saw coming. There are very few absolutes with the weather. I'll say there's an 85% chance of no baseball on the Island tomorrow night.
  5. MU also going for almost all the rain to be out of the area overnight tomorrow...only a slight chance of an isolated shower on Saturday.
  6. They're really starting to beef up QPF amounts in their point and clicks tomorrow.
  7. CTP already has us in the 90s throughout all of the midweek next week...looking more and more likely that Elliott had the right idea.
  8. I empathize for you...one thing to hold onto is that the heat might be delayed but I highly doubt denied. Also, there is a growing tendency for hot weather to last later in the season these days. Hang in there Steve.
  9. I'm enjoying every single game regardless of who's playing. I've been a diehard 76ers fan since the mid 1970s and an NBA fan since the mid 1970s. We'll see how "interesting" our offseason is but this organization has disenchanted this fan. Come fall 2022 I won't be at least a partial season ticket member since 1994.
  10. My oldest son is moving to Tampa in the fall. Right across the street from Amalie Arena. No idea how he's affording it. LOL
  11. Oh sure, I understand. Was it last year it was cold(ish?) I'm just saying in general, I like Memorial Day weekend to feature weather that's suitable for summery outdoorsy kinda things. LOL
  12. Admittedly, I'm not a fan of hot weather, but I'd at least like it to be warm for the holiday weekend. Cold weather on Memorial Day weekend flat out sucks.
  13. 63 here after a low of 54. Beautiful day out there.
  14. I came here to post something similar. I want to say more but it's not appropriate here.
  15. Well, I guess we know what to watch for in terms of sensible weather. If the upper level low is allowed to meander eastward uninhibited, the more unsettled the weekend will be. If you're watching model runs, that's what to focus on.
  16. Sounds like we better start preparing for heat next week.
  17. MU's take on the upcoming holiday weekend: https://www.millersville.edu/weathercenter/forecasts/weather-discussion.php
  18. Yep, clearly it's become a "thing" - the HIA effect.
  19. Other than the random reading up near Lewistown...once again, the warmest temps on that map are in the vicinity of the NW portion of Lancaster county. Unreal.
  20. See, this is why my AC runs so often throughout the year. My air is set to 65 - but my house will never drop to 64 when the outside temp is 57. It probably wouldn't happen until it's well down in the 40s and only then if it's for a sustained amount of time. I keep talking to my wife about all of the hot air she's producing...
  21. 0.00" of rain here. @Mount Joy Snowman for the win again.
  22. Lots of clouds this week to create that result.
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