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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Congrats to those getting rains today- just back from an afternoon along the river on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon. I was surprised to read the rain obs...no such weather here. Sun is still out. 81 degrees currently.
  2. Lots can and will happen in 14 days - my history suggests things will turn worse. LOL
  3. Ugly pitching matchup getting underway in Baltimore. No way the Orioles win today... Right?
  4. GFS has that 'cane bearing down on the east coast of Florida as the HR guy is sailing up the Chesapeake into the port of Baltimore. Really glad at this point that this will be our first cruise not leaving Florida.
  5. And there it is - 91 at 4pm makes today the 30th day of 2022 in the 90s in historic Maytown.
  6. The only thing last night confirmed was that the Red Sox can't leave town not in last place. I was convinced the Sox would sweep and we'd claim our rightful place in the basement. Won't happen until at least early next week. LOL
  7. Still not there...89.3 here under mostly sunny skies.
  8. Mom lives in Mount Joy and said not a drop there...I will say it was really dark that way when I got home from work.
  9. I don't say it every time I reach 90, but I've said many times that my count is for 2022 and not just for the summer. Speaking of which...it's 90 on the button! Today is #29 for the year.
  10. I was already at 28, so we are now tied. Probably for 2nd place behind Pillow who is like at 50 or something.
  11. Sun and 88 - only a 1 degree rise over the past 90 minutes. It's a win though - now within my 87-92 range.
  12. 85.2 here under full sun - based on current satellite, 90 is looking like a pretty good bet here right now. Hoping for that GFS rain later on tonight.
  13. 2009-10 was the winter of last minute north trends but razor sharp cutoffs in snow totals. Of the 3 big dog storms (12/18, 2/5 and 2/10) I was fortunate to be inside the snow zone for all 3. Well, the December storm was really supposed to be a mid-atlantic special in the days leading up to the event. It wasn't until the final 36-48 hours that it seemed certain the southern tier would get anything of significance. At any rate...there was a local met (name withheld) who put out a forecast before the storm for 0-24" across Lanco. That later got refined; obviously, but in 56 years I've never seen a snowfall accumulation prediction quite like that one.
  14. I did not realize how dire things had gotten in southern NE...wow.
  15. I think it's going to be a close call for the usual heat spots on whether we hit 90 today - my confidence level is only slightly more than 50/50 - if I was forecasting for my specific area, I think I'd go with something like 87-92 for the high. Pillow? I'll go with 92-97.
  16. My low was 59, but under full sun it's warming VERY quickly near the hallowed grounds of the Maytown tarmac this morning. At 9:15am it's up 16 degrees to 75.
  17. Just read an article sourcing the National Hurricane Center, and they're expecting a big uptick in the Atlantic in as few as 7 days from now. Sounds like they think September will be very active.
  18. Wow...no nooner for me today, but I'm sunny and 74.
  19. I'm not trying to act brazen - but for the past few years my high has consistently topped projections on the majority of sunny summer days. I didn't mean to come across like I'm smarter than you, anyone else, or any model or forecaster.
  20. My son's car was damaged by hail yesterday outside of Mount Joy - he told me last night the ground was white near Rheems.
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