I bust away from all of them...because we've seen so many over the years, my reaction has tempered somewhat...I'm still not looking to spend time in their vicinity.
I got a guy at work who drives a delivery truck - dude is like 7'3" 320 lbs, rides a Harley and looks just like the kind of guy you hope you don't run into late at night in a dark alley. In reality, he's an amazing person and as gentle as they come. Well, I was telling him about the river trail and so he and his wife decided to go for a bike (pedal type, LOL) ride down there. He came in to work one Monday all exasperated and cussing me up and down for not telling him he might see snakes. Apparently there was a black racer on the trail, he came across it, and in his words "Mike, I screamed like a baby and wrecked my f'ing bike right then and there."