I will say that there was flash flooding in parts of Lancaster county - a gauge about a mile from work yesterday evening recorded 3.97" of rain in 90 minutes. A few office associates had to find alternate routes home from work last evening.
They need to do something to take the pressure off of the one at Belmont.
I like Chick-fil-A a lot...but it seems like the reputation has outgrown the quality.
There was a Hoss's in Etown and by the airport down this way. The quality of the food at the airport was location was always FAR better than in Etown. The Etown location was far more convenient for me but it was worth the drive to go farther to get better food.
Snagged myself a FFW for later today - we'll see what happens. WPC has our area in a SLGT for excessive rainfall.
Total rainfall since yesterday is .95"
Sigh. At least my trip is only 3 weeks away.
She's got my weekend planned out - chores until noon tomorrow, then again after 3:30. Sunday I get a reprieve if it's raining. Ain't no one in here rooting for a rainy Sunday like I am. LOL
Wife and I were out for hours eating lunch and shopping in Lancaster. Had to turn around 3 times due to flooded roads near Belmont. Got home to peeks of sun - neighbor was out front and looked at me like I was on a foreign substance when I told him about our little trip. He said it hasn't even threatened to rain here.
It has since clouded over but it was party sunny at the time of my post. I stand by my accurate observation. (And I know that you weren't questioning it)