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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I saw the same thing - just a wee bit different than the GFS for the same time frame.
  2. It's a cutter on 'roids. If the Euro depiction happens, I know someone whose AC will be humming on 12/24...
  3. Sunny and 37 approaching 1pm. Hoping that tomorrow is not a day where it's sunny all day and then clouds over right at sunset - I'd love to see at least a couple of hours of clear skies to radiate tomorrow evening before clouds cap our temps.
  4. Yep, the profiles match the precip type. Thanks for sharing that - I was only looking at the precip map which looked suspicious off of what "normally" happens.
  5. That would be the odd event where a low that deep sitting over Wilmington DE is producing snow right to the center of low pressure. Seems...suspicious.
  6. What an unbelievably ugly cutoff in the SE parts of the LSV. Not often is there a 7" difference between Harrisburg and Lancaster.
  7. I'm still searching to see my first snow of the year flying. That's my benchmark - some white globes falling from the sky.
  8. That is very true... ...but I was also referring to when I was outside.
  9. Elliott Abrams used to define a plowable snow as 4"+, and there have been some others who've said the same. That's been my the number that comes to my mind when I hear that term thrown out, but it seems today more and more often I'll see plows hitting the pavement once the snow reaches 2".
  10. 22 was my low earlier this morning. Invigorating weather to start the day - still leaving the house in a short sleeve polo.
  11. My rain gauge will be humming. Thanks for posting. Completely based off memory of past events with similar setups over the years, I've sort of felt that the Ukie map you posted yesterday at noon was the most likely depiction of what might happen. Obviously there are nuances with every individual storm, but I'd be surprised if anyone south and east of State College over to Williamsport sees more than a few inches.
  12. Kinda depends on where that high is going - if it's escaping off the east coast, maybe notsomuch.
  13. Something to (perhaps) keep in mind this winter...just .13" of rain fell here today. It was another in a string of underperformed storms over the past several months. Might not mean anything...just pointing it out.
  14. Yep, and that's why I said that I doubt it will end up like that. Anyone "expecting" snow in the LSV is once again setting themselves up for disappointment.
  15. Honestly, those maps are mostly meaningless at this point, but if it verified that way, I might need a timeout.
  16. I like it when you talk like this. Much respect for your thoughts.
  17. That looks a lot like the event a few weeks ago when those N&W of MDT got snow while we rained.
  18. That's correct. A bunch in here were laughing at the outlandish output...that storm forever sealed the deal for me to never discount the NAM. Flaws and all.
  19. I think? January 16 was all snow? I sort of remember driving home from work at 5pm as the snow was starting.
  20. That's what I'm hoping for. Weather is REALLY fickle out there - last December they received 191" of snow. In January they got 0". Hoping they get into some atmospheric river events and keep piling it up!
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