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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Heaviest rain yet and 34. Never saw so much as a sleet pellet here.
  2. I'll say one thing-this is a soaker down here. After many underperformed storms this past fall, this baby is delivering the moisture. Good for the ground table.
  3. I'm genuinely happy you're seeing some snow. Now send a little to your southwest. I'm hungry to see my few flakes.
  4. I mean...you called 12/22 - 12/24 some time ago. If you nail this, you start all winter threads going forward. You'll have earned that.
  5. The dreaded rain and 33 - so far, .92" of rain has fallen. Will go over 1" very shortly at the rate it's pouring down.
  6. Yep. We actually extended our trip a few days to spend some time coming back east. In total it's 24 days and 23 nights out seeing the USA.
  7. We've seen them plenty. I won't tell... That's a great gift! We just got ours in preparation for our 3 week cross-country odyssey next May. As of now we have plans to hit 9 parks during our trip.
  8. Hmmm - wife and I are spending a few days in Chincoteague 12/27-12/30...
  9. My wife just drove from home to downtown Hershey in less than 25 minutes. She said no one was on the roads and there were zero ice issues.
  10. Hey neighbor! I just inched above freezing to 32.3 here. Heavy rain is falling.
  11. Temp holding like a bear at 32, .42" of rain has fallen so far.
  12. I've thought about that already - as long as I'm online when you post, I should get the 30 second notice in timing from your changeover to mine.
  13. I'll admit - for someone who claims to be pretty good with PA Geography, your location had me stumped! I had to look it up to see where you are.
  14. Yes sir - I had a LITTLE slush on my windshield earlier...other than that, it's nothing but liquid.
  15. Very impressive radar presentation this morning... ...too bad it's all liquid down this way.
  16. Temp leveled off and has now begun to climb. Up to 27.7 from 26.6 at 9pm.
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