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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I feel kind of bad but it is what it is - and it's a mess. LOL
  2. Deep snow in Chicago and ice ice baby in central Arkansas - people down here are grumbling about the weather as much as we are. It's just a different grumble. They're tired of this.
  3. Yes, and that's why I'm so impressed. It was 37 here when I arrived at noon yesterday. The temp has fallen off 12 degrees over the past 21 hours with no increase...just a very slow but steady drop. Little Rock NWS commented this morning how impressive it is because the cold is overperforming all guidance they had. Sounds like they might extend the warning through Thursday AM as a 3rd round of precip comes in later tomorrow.
  4. Cold air really drills in down south - don't they call these situations "blue northers" or something like that? Temp here continues to bleed down - it's 25 with the next round of precip about 2-3 hours away. Going to be a fun afternoon/night here. Edit: Meh, I just looked up blue norther and it's a term only used by Texans for cold fronts that drop temps rapidly. @canderson good folks don't want Razorbacks stealing their weather terms!
  5. With a departure of +9.98°F through #January30, we’re currently in the #2 spot at @millersvilleu.. 0.04°F ahead of 1998. If the temp remains at or above 33°F through midnight, the departure will be +10°F (double-digit) for only the 3rd time during a winter month (DJF) since 1914!
  6. 28 and overcast here - another wave of low pressure is expected to drop between .25-.50" of ice from noon today through tonight. Ground is white from last night's sleetfest. Temp should not reach 30 until later tomorrow PM at the earliest. Was talking to the good folks at the front desk and they were perplexed by the way I was dressed when I went out to clear off the rental car. Lots of good-natured ribbing for the "tough guy in PA" If they only knew...
  7. How much snow have you had this season...close to 10" or so? That can greatly influence perception. I think that's both accurate and fair to those who are overreacting while seeing nothing.
  8. Amazing difference between Buffalo and Rochester. Almost 100". Crazy.
  9. I mean...if MDT ends up with 15" and Lanco ends up with .9", do the people around here really care how much MDT gets?
  10. Personally...for me and some others down this way, it's so bad because this winter has been putrid. 0.9" of snow for Lanco. That's really bad Blizz. And as Nut said, it's not just a us in Lanco. The eastern seaboard has been largely shutout.
  11. Ground is white here...most white I've seen this winter and it's all sleet. State of Emergency declaration now.
  12. Who is this directed at? I literally said it can snow in a bad pattern.
  13. Yes, exactly right. I'm here to spend 3 days with the HR team down here and it's been reduced to a day.
  14. I'm 60 miles NE of Little Rock and everything is shutting down. The 30 minute local news was 25 minutes of weather coverage.
  15. We aren't "buying" anything - overall, the pattern has been bad for the past couple of years. That's a fact. Doesn't mean it can't snow in a bad pattern but that doesn't change the fact that overall...it hasn't been good. And there's no reason to think it's not going to get worse.
  16. Rain is starting to freeze here now - 31 on my car thermometer. Now expecting up to .75" of ice...
  17. I watched a documentary on that flight a few months ago. No shit.
  18. Calling for a mix of both - temps look to be in the upper 20s locally where I'm at.
  19. 11 degrees with light snow and about 6" on the ground at ORD this morning.
  20. Just saw the weekly forecast for back home - MU going for Sunny and only 24 on Saturday...followed by rain and 45 on Sunday. Good grief. 35 here outside of Little Rock with an ice storm moving in over the next few hours. Nice to find some wintry weather down near the Gulf.
  21. On the ground in Chicago for a connection and it's 12 degrees with solid snow cover. It's winter here in the midwest!
  22. Looking like I'll be in an ice storm in Arkansas tomorrow night into Tuesday.
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