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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. @canderson - were you able to unload your tickets for tomorrow night?
  2. I remember just a few/several years ago when the Euro and Ukie were usually lockstep with each other and you could take it to the bank. Both have lost a lot of luster.
  3. Geez - 37 all the way up there. At least your dew is a good bit lower than mine.
  4. An approximate 10 degree drop this evening sounds sort of difficult to me if the sky is already overcast. I could see a drop to around freezing, with an additional drop of a couple of degrees with the onset of precip. I'm instructing WFH tomorrow and I've issued a LWRJW as well for those that venture out. LWRJW - Light, Water-Repellant Jacket Warning.
  5. Filtered sun and already up to 35 here just past 11am.
  6. Does it shred next week's potential, or is there no storm at all?
  7. I'm not sold that we see ANY snow whatsoever. Certainly would not surprise me if I have to wait at least another week before seeing my first flakes of the season.
  8. Most likely yes... ...or, could it be areas of high intensity precip/dynamic cooling?
  9. Absolutely! Best events are ones that surprise in a positive way.
  10. Happens almost every winter. Sometimes more than once.
  11. That is our reality in changeover storms...almost without fail, sleet and ZR comes earlier, and moves much farther north, than predicted.
  12. Was thinking about this when I saw the sky this morning...we're going to get well above freezing here today (I'm already up to 29.3) and it seems certain that temps won't fall much this evening due to clouds. We're going to need to rely on low dews to wet bulb down to freezing/below freezing to really see any impacts down this way.
  13. It will be interesting to see if any PA station reports more than 6". Maybe north of Rt. 6?
  14. That would be quite the upset pulled off by the HRRR. I think in most situations like this, the snowfall amounts tend to be smoothed out over longer distances...for instance, if MDT recorded 1", UNV might record 3.5", IPT 4", etc. Hard to imagine Harrisburg getting warning level snow while I get nothing, but that's why we love the weather.
  15. Low was only 23 here. Woke up at 5am to a lot of high level cloudiness. Sky is mostly a milky white here now.
  16. Looks like the freezing line runs roughly along I4. Very possible in that airmass.
  17. One one of our many trips to Florida over the years, my car was showing 27 one morning at our resort - this was in Lake Buena Vista. I'm assuming Orlando's data is from MCO? You could probably win some trivia contests on whether or not FL has ever recorded a sub-zero temp.
  18. The airport recorded 17 degrees back in January 1950 - that's the coldest ever at Sky Harbor. So this would be an exceptional occurrence.
  19. My first thought is...it's over a week away. So much will change. Decent signal for a storm somewhere in the east at some point between 12/22 and 12/26. Outside of that, I don't think it's really fair to speculate more than that. Let's see where we're at this weekend and start the process of narrowing goalposts at that time.
  20. Canderson Holiday Express Storm fights on - a few too many L's on that map NW of us for my liking.
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