That Lanco county inverted trough years ago - I woke up that morning with clear skies and dry roads. No snow had been forecast and I was zoned out on even the possibility of anything happening the previous night. I'm driving to work, heading down Chickies on 441 into Columbia, and while crossing over 30 I see this car heading westbound towards York with deep snow on their roof. I thought they came from Buffalo or something - I get to the office and find several call offs, all from workers near Lancaster and all of them saying they can't make it in due to heavy snow. I'm like "WHAT?!?!?!"
I ran into a friend who lives in Manheim Twp. who casually comments that he picked up 12" of snow overnight.
We live 13 miles apart. To my knowledge my skies were clear the entire night.
Talk about being pissed...