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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Pretty good disco in the MA long ranger about the SER - why will it not go away? Every time it's modeled to do so...it doesn't. If that doesn't get eradicated somehow, it's foolish to think that winters will be improve much at all over this year. Hopefully with the death of Nina there will be a positive response by next winter.
  2. While talking about weather oddities, here are a few more facts thrown out today to illustrate just how bad we sucked at winter this year: Speaking of snow, Millersville has still only received a whopping 0.9 inches of snow since October 1. Thus, it's a virtual "lock" that the record for least-snowy winter season (4.0 inches in 1949-1950) will be obliterated. Should this indeed occur, Millersville will fail to receive at least one, single-storm snowfall of one or more inches for the first time on record (since 1926). By April 1, no measurable snow will have occurred in November, December, February, and March at the 'Ville. The only measurable snow this season (0.9 inches) came on January 25, 2023. Never before has there been just one measurable snowfall in a winter season and no measurable snowfall in all 4 of the months mentioned above. The moving 4-year average for snow is now the lowest on record at a measly 13.6 inches. Combine these stats with a record-warm January-February period, and the unprecedented nature of this winter is truly brought into focus.
  3. 64 at home at 3:45pm. Very little sun here today which kept temps a little lower than thought.
  4. I'm a numbers guy...to the extreme. And I remember numbers far more than I probably should, including numbers that most people would find ridiculous. That said - there were a total of 14 posts made in the MA March Long Range thread yesterday...that is the "dedicated" thread to tracking snow/wintry weather chances. Again...14 posts in a 24 hour day, which is 1.7 posts per hour. That's not a lot of posts. Thing is, I was in that thread last evening...along with 31 other members. That's a lot of people following along (tracking) but not posting.
  5. NOT saying Canderson is guilty of this...but there are a lot of people who make that very comment across all of the sub forums in here - you know damn well they're following/tracking as well, they just don't want to admit it.
  6. It's still March and I'd rather look for March-like weather than our first heat wave. It'll be hot enough soon enough. It's a very high level look with zero expectations anyway...
  7. 53.1 here currently, .30" of rain for the day. That last batch of moderate rain really weakened as it moved east across the river.
  8. Batch of rain coming east towards me is much heavier than what I'm seeing now - perhaps I drop another degree or two once it arrives.
  9. Rain and 48.7 at home currently - it was 52.2 when I left for work.
  10. "And warming up in the bullpen...number 93...Blizzard of 93" (with "Enter Snowman" by Metallica blaring in the background)
  11. Holy camoly, I just checked my station and it's 67.1 at home as well.
  12. Great detective work! Nice that you incorporated steam power into this as well.
  13. I'll have to parse the MA thread to see if Will the Weather guy will resurrect his snow probability maps!
  14. Just saw the 12z GFS evolution for next week - in a 6 hour period next Tuesday evening, low pressure moves from Wheeling WV to 150 east of OCMD to right over Havre de Grace MD. In that order as well. Interesting.
  15. That is about 2/10s of a mile from where we will be staying. Computer models are trending very unfavorably out there once again - it's becoming more and more possible that Mammoth Lakes is about 6 days away from a storm that could deliver 3 to 5 FEET of additional snowfall. The town is currently 4" away from the all time record.
  16. @Bubbler86 - just received a new notification from the town of Mammoth Lakes: Wednesday, March 22nd @ 11 AM ā€“ Good morning, excessive snow load has caused a building collapse/explosion in the Canyon Lodge area. 5 people have been rescued at the Val Dā€™ Isere condos. FYI: All roads into the Canyon area are closed now.
  17. Sure seems like there will be a "big blow" somewhere in the NE next week - obviously odds strongly favor interior sections of NE for winter weather, but an impressive storm is potentially in the cards for a larger area of the northeast.
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