Unlike Friday's stratiform coverage of rain, today there were numerous bands oriented south to north. Shoot, MDT had nearly 1" of rain before the first drops fell here. You and I are not the only ones under 1" for the day.
Is that for the day or since Friday?
I'm currently at .89" for the day, 2.30" since Friday. I believe my station is accurate. I was within a couple hundredths of an inch of @Mount Joy Snowmanfrom his last report earlier today.
Models have been insistent that the heaviest rainfall would be early this evening in the LSV but the radar seems to be drying out. Looking like I'll end up with well under 1" for the day.
Oh I wasn't complaining, just amazed at the huge disparity over a relatively short distance. I've still received nearly 2" for the weekend with more to come so all is well with me.
Today in Central PA:
Weather: Check
Amish..."stories": Check
Outdated Technology: Check
Physical Conditioning at Church Camp: Check
Topical Ointment for Old Dudes: Check
Movie Flashback w/ Kelly Mcgillis: Check
Historical Tribute to 911: Check
This will all make great fodder for next edition of "A Day in the Central PA" thread...