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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I don't like being fringed by mild temps...that means changeover events for me. Get this out of here!
  2. No can do Jon, I'll be in Orlando at that time. My wife says she hasn't seen more than an inch in 2 years and we sure aren't about to extend that...
  3. I just opened the fall thread. Move yourselves on over...
  4. For my area this is pretty darn close - adding up my numbers I'm at 26.24", and I'm just inside the > 25" shading.
  5. I missed the question at the end of your post. It was not me. (though the one that got lassoed in shallow left field kinda sorta looked a wee bit like me...40 some years ago.
  6. My wife and I were talking about this after the game - I just don't see a repeat of last year. Atlanta has improved this year and the Phillies pitching is thin...they really miss Eflin and Gibson. I don't think the Braves bullpen is better but their starters are and as @canderson said...as good as the Phillies can rake at the top of the lineup, there are no easy outs with Atlanta. That entire team can flat out mash.
  7. That ball he hit last night - only a handful of players in MLB with that kind of power. Took a real good pitch on the outside corner and went with it - majestically about 400' to left center. The moment he made contact, almost the entire ballpark made the sound "ohhhhhh"
  8. I am so sorry. I'm equally surprised and disappointed for you to see this. Last night coming home from Philly, we hit rain at 30/41 in Gap...rained steady the entire way home. We took friends who live down near Conestoga, nicely raining at their crib when we dropped them off. Was raining moderately when we arrived home. It felt like an "evenly distributed rain" given the amount of coverage we experienced...there was no let up in rates along that entire route. I ended up .48"
  9. Yes sir, I was all over that. Very cool Stat indeed!
  10. Just got home from Philly, .25" of rain so far with moderate rain falling.
  11. Since you addressed me directly, fair enough. If I see the midget tonight I'll pass along my regards.
  12. Right now I'd say they're in love with their decision...
  13. I usually take Rt. 30 east to Rt. 41 in Gap, and then down 41 to Avondale and jump on 1 east to 322 in Concordville - that stretch on 41 is sketchy late at night. In the 17 miles I might pass 3 cars. (slight exaggeration) I miss Coatesville by 10 miles that route. Other main option is the 'pike to the Schuylkill Expressway...always a treat!
  14. Sideling Hill is great if you have 1.5 hours to waste unless you're traveling in the middle of the night.
  15. Everyone knows that Somerset is king on the 'pike.
  16. Ain't going to lie - I'm somewhat nervous about driving home from Philly late tonight through that general area. My "go-to" routes are quite isolated with next to no traffic. Thinking about taking the turnpike and running his ass over.
  17. Maybe when Jim Nantz retires Josh and Tony can be a broadcast team?
  18. That's rough. This is the first season of his career that I do NOT have him - I had a bad feeling at the end of last season and dropped him. I was afraid he'd throw 4 TDs and for 386 yards last night. I honestly feel bad for him because I really like the dude. I picked him up originally because of that and not because of his talent. LOL
  19. I was wondering how much water you got yesterday - I finished with .02", but on my way home from work (4:30pm) I drove through a deluge on Chickies. All dry 3 miles up the road, but if you were under that cell you got a nice watering in just a few minutes.
  20. Allen has always turned it over too much but about halfway through last season something happened - he's clearly not reading defenses and/or seeing the field well. His first pick was excusable as it served as a punt but the last couple were throws that an NFL QB can't make. He's a good guy and fun to watch but he's hurting his team right now more than helping it.
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