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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I've been busy adjusting my thermostat to 62 to keep the honor of the forum's cold miser.
  2. Just tickled the 90.0 mark for all of one minute. 89.5 currently. I have a hard time calling it a 90 degree day when the first digit isn't a 9.
  3. 87 at 1:05pm - slowly creeping towards 90. Not getting much past that today.
  4. Your 30+ year was my 49 day year. 85 here now - temp rise has slowed down. Thinking it's a low 90s day here.
  5. No 90 degree readings approaching mid July? Yeah, that doesn't happen every year.
  6. 83 at 10:45 - today should be day #10 this year at or above 90. A LONG way to go to few years ago when my final number was 49 days. Mow #19 was accomplished last evening.
  7. Haven't posted one of these in a while: https://www.millersville.edu/weathercenter/forecasts/weather-discussion.php Summer is going to keep on being summer.
  8. To me, the most important thing is avoiding a westerly wind component on the beach. Beach flies are horrible with west winds. Give me southerly or easterly breezes and I don't care what the air temp is. To a point.
  9. I also think that the lack of true summer heat until the past week made the arrival of summer weather feel worse. Many of us had gotten accustomed to moderate temps, but more importantly the low dews during June, that once it warmed up AND got quite muggy last week...that was a jolt to a lot of people. If it's in the 20s and 30s for days on end, no big deal. If we get one of those Januarys where it's in the 40s and then we get a run of 32 degree days, suddenly it feels much colder than it otherwise would.
  10. I mean...if our normal high bottoms out in the mid 30s during January, we're not calling a string of days with highs in the low 30s as some sort of brutal cold snap... Okay, maybe @mahantango#1 and @Voyager do.
  11. Third-ed - it's not a heatwave, it's called...summer.
  12. Definitely some smoke in the skies once again today.
  13. Interesting - many areas of western Lanco were between 6-8", I remember the event very well. My 7"+ amount wasn't even the highest in the county.
  14. @Jns2183 - Ida dropped 7.11" here in Maytown.
  15. Low was 65 here - it was 65 at 9pm last evening and never dropped lower than that after midnight.
  16. Haha, fair enough. But that is still my point. Whether they get much more, a little more, a little less, a lot less...what really matters is what I get, and what you get. I got almost 2" of rain today and just because MDT got far less...it was still almost 2" in my yard.
  17. Pretty remarkable that a rain of that nature produced almost identical amounts.
  18. First time in many rain events that I beat MDT. And you.
  19. Final total in Maytown - 1.81" Orioles finish the 1st half on a roll. Tied with Tampa in the loss column.
  20. Looking at the cells streaming north out of Maryland makes me think we're going to get a lot of water...
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