Since I've called Lancaster home since 1965, a couple of things stick out from the data that I posted:
The winters of 1977-78 and 1993-94 are the 2 winters that I remember most as being bitterly cold. January 1977 featured a ridiculous negative departure of nearly 12 degrees, but the following winter was wall to wall cold. January and March were both more than 4 degrees below normal while February was over 9 degrees below normal. I remember watching the Baltimore news stations back then and people were driving on the Chesapeake. Hard to imagine that today. And then the January through March stretch of 1994 - I know many in this thread remember neighborhood roads were 2 very deep ruts of tire tracks surrounded by a huge glacier of ice on either side, and it just did not melt. I have marked down that I had snow cover for 73 days that winter...think about that. The winter of 77-78 featured a huge February blizzard with little snow otherwise...just day after day of bitter, dry air. The 1994 winter was filled with tons of snow and ice events.
On the flip side, 2010 was unrelenting heat. In fact, temps were WAY above normal every month from March all the way through September followed by a more modestly above normal October. That summer seemed like it would never end and in fact it did not end soon enough.