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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Drew Allar looked like the 5 star QB in high school today. Opening up the offense and he's starting to flourish. Defense holds Maryland to -55 yards rushing...next week could be very interesting. Also...the Sixers are infinitely better without James Harden. Offense is fluid and fun.
  2. 90 minutes later and it's 65 here. 16 degree jump in a short period of time.
  3. There was a 3rd storm near the end of Feb. 2010 that looked like it might crush us yet again...but just missed to our NE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_25–27,_2010,_North_American_blizzard#
  4. I think...that in most of our area, the first storm dropped more snow; however, the 2nd storm was actually more impressive. While the first storm featured heavy snow, the follow up was a true blizzard. I had verified blizzard conditions the morning of the 10th, and the snow really blew and drifted from that bad boy. Just an amazing amount of snow on the ground after that...might not see depths like that again in our lifetime.
  5. At least here it went down like this: Friday/Saturday, Feb. 5/6: 25" Wednesday, Feb. 10: 21" I had a 35" snowpack on the morning of February 11th. By February 16th, grass was starting to show in spots.
  6. Colder this morning than yesterday - 26 this morning compared to 28 yesterday. Very surprised.
  7. @sauss06 @Mount Joy Snowman - my annual trip to Pittsburgh is next weekend, so it might very well snow then as well. I'm just hoping I'm not going to see the Love Connection...
  8. Very happy for the organization and fan base. Well deserved. Seems like a great bunch of guys. Jon's annual pick! That ties my lowest normal low for the winter!
  9. After a previous seasonal low of 36, it was 28.0 in Maytown this morning. Everything is white. Car was froze. And this means that warmer clothes aren't far behind now...
  10. I'll be in central Florida the first full week of December. Over the past 30 years I've made this trip 6 times previously during this time period. We (home) have had accumulating snow all 6 times. December 3rd to 10th - it's going to snow in this area.
  11. 36 for my low in Maytown - no snow here in the tropics this morning. @Bubbler86 - I also dropped into the 30s last evening - it was 38.8 at 7:50pm. I checked when I went to bed at 11:15 and it was 42.1.
  12. Yep, I think this was a move to set up future moves. Just cleared up a whole bunch of cap space to go get a big time free agent next summer as well.
  13. He is going to thrive without James. He was just named player of the week and there's more coming with him.
  14. Not sure the talent currently is better, but it's definitely addition by subtraction.
  15. Overnight low was just 40 in Maytown; and, James Harden is gone! Woot! See ya!
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