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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Potential weather (thunderstorms) issue for the PSU game Saturday afternoon. Time to practice the evacuation procedure...
  2. It is disgusting - my dewpoint was 62 at 4pm, it's now 70. And this has to be close to uncharted territory...it was 84 degrees here at 7:30pm. At 8:45pm it's 86!
  3. Also of note, of my 17 days above 90 this year, today was only the 3rd day at or above 95. Will likely add 2 more to that total.
  4. I am running one day ahead of MDT - today was day #17 for me. Last year I finished with 34. Thought I would finish with less than half of last year's total but this stretch ruined that. (Oh shoot, where is he?) And 2020 I finished with a whopping 47 days at or above 90.
  5. 98 will be the high here...temp down to 94 now despite full sun.
  6. Early November. Unless they get at least 3' of paste prior to that.
  7. Speaking of snow...exactly 4 weeks after closing for the season, Mammoth recorded their first trace last night for the 2023-24 season.
  8. And there's that little "cool pocket" surrounding me.
  9. Today was day #16 here to reach the 90 degree mark, and it's the 4th hottest day of the year. Assuming that the next 4 days reach the 90s, that would make an even 20 for the year. My highest temp for the year currently is 97 and any of the next 4 days could reach or exceed that. It still hasn't been a bad summer for heat but I imagine we're going to build up a huge positive departure for September this week.
  10. Sunny, breezy and 94. Feels even hotter after our fall-like weather.
  11. There was a survey conducted in 2020 by a local radio station on when listeners thought that summer ended. The results were: First day of school: 44% Labor Day: 37% Fall Equinox: 19% 8 out of 10 people consider summer over by the end of the day tomorrow. Edit: September 1st was actually not provided as a choice. LOL
  12. Higher dewpoint is noticeable today. Currently my readings are 83/66.
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