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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Allen has always turned it over too much but about halfway through last season something happened - he's clearly not reading defenses and/or seeing the field well. His first pick was excusable as it served as a punt but the last couple were throws that an NFL QB can't make. He's a good guy and fun to watch but he's hurting his team right now more than helping it.
  2. The minimum at MDT shows up well on that map. It also is close for my specific area, though the purple should be expanded JUST a little N/NW - I had over 1.5" and according to the map it was just south of my location.
  3. Activity firing SE of Interstate 81. Slow movers, too. Could be some heavy rainfall amounts in a few isolated spots.
  4. The cell that got me formed right over me. The rain started under party sunny skies and it just kept increasing as the clouds slowly filled in.
  5. I did very well on Thursday so I have zero room to complain. I'm still surprised that basically nothing has fallen since.
  6. 90 wins...with 21 games still to play. Pretty crazy!
  7. There's activity to your southwest right now but it isn't showing much movement towards you. Hope they get it in! I'm going down Tuesday.
  8. Right now almost everything of note is north and west of Rt. 15. Nothing happening east of the Susky in the LSV.
  9. Wow! You get a 90 and I don't- 88 was the high here, breaking the week-long streak.
  10. I'm feeling oddly confident that all of us do pretty well over the next 48 hours.
  11. We must have got upgraded? We're under a SLGT now.
  12. Rainfall in Maytown north yesterday amounted to .13"
  13. Got clipped - .09" fell. My son lives 3.5 miles away and has .86" so far.
  14. 2nd STW in the past 45 minutes specifically for Maytown. So far, 0.00" of rain has fallen. Up the pike in Elizabethtown it's a different story.
  15. 90 on the nose at home, looks like 92 at the nearest (approx. 1/2 mile away) station from work.
  16. @Bubbler86 - that 79 degree reading that MDT posted for their 2pm obs...at LNS it was 88 at the same time. There was an area of very light precip but extensive cloud cover that was over the river area for a few hours during the midday - it was mostly clear east of that. That area of cloudiness has moved off so it'll be interesting to see what MDT reports shortly...
  17. Garden State special. Temp has really taken off the past 90 minutes...I'm going to tack on day #21 of 90s after all. 89.3 at the moment.
  18. Certainly not me! But I can tell you that at 2:35pm, I'm suddenly up to 88.
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