I've spent a lot of time this year thinking about this and things related to it.
I turn 60 in 10 months. I don't know why, but I never flinched at hitting 40, 50, or any other subsequent years in my 50s. The understanding that I'll be 60 though...I'm struggling with it. Things that seemed to matter a lot in years past are starting to become increasingly less significant and things that I always took for granted are now becoming more valued, and more urgent. Most of my "circle" in life from the time I was young is also a fair amount older than I am. As an only child I tended to gravitate towards those older than I was to "show me the way" so to speak. And now many in my circle are retired and all of a sudden...well, life priorities are changing quickly. People matter a whole lot more than material things, sports, etc. Those can be replaced or removed. Relationships cannot.