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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I received an email offer yesterday for 11 April games for $99. I already have tickets to 5 games so I passed on it. I currently hold tickets to 15 games this year - 10 in Baltimore and 5 in Philly. I have to keep my wife happy with her Harper/Stott fix.
  2. Final band of rain has just arrived - thin band at that, rain should be out here by 1:30pm.
  3. Acuna's injury was minor and he'll be ready for opening day - great news for the tomahawk choppers.
  4. I was driving home yesterday afternoon and was doing an inventory of all of the days recently that we were in the 60s, the grass is greening, the flowers are blooming in our beds like crazy, we had thunderstorms last week, and the river trail that you visited was PACKED yesterday! I'm not sure I've seen such a big non-holiday Monday "crowd" since the trail opened. It looks like spring, feels like spring, signs of spring are everywhere around (at least here) and if it does get colder...it's going to be a shock to a lot of people.
  5. Correct - you have more than double what I do and I thought I was to double what you got.
  6. Yeah, so thank you for pointing out your rainfall total - last night's forecast was for .50 - 1.00" of rain. Now the forecast has been adjusted to about .25". That's a pretty huge bust from right as the event was beginning to now. Sometimes when it's a rain event people don't notice those things as much as when it's snow - but what we're going through today is akin to a forecast last night of 5-10" of snow and ending up with 2", 3" of snow at most.
  7. AC is running on all cylinders here. 67 was the high.
  8. Mammoth Lakes video from the weekend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GSzynxSXkU
  9. By the way...it's 15 minutes later from your post and it's 59 here already!
  10. I think I fully made the transition yesterday. I turned on the AC last evening - it's time to move on, for me at least. I will never begrudge others who continue to invest in wintry weather, we certainly could still experience some of that. I'm not cancelling, but I'm ready for baseball. 24 days until Opening Day. And I'm ready.
  11. I was in Truckee last year. This brings back great memories.
  12. Not according to CTP - no rain tomorrow and a perfect day on Friday.
  13. Meh - current snow cover in town is 88". Nothing like last year but I'd take it.
  14. 66 was my high today. 58 currently. The river trail was packed!
  15. Sunny and 65 - well over today's forecast high.
  16. Mammoth Lakes had 45" of snow with 5.11" of QPF - despite temps in the middle teens, ratios were only 8-1 for much of the storm due to the winds.
  17. Dang. Hopefully the sun breaks through soon.
  18. It is still dumping in Mammoth Lakes. 45 currently and quite warm in the sun. All systems go for a spring-like day. Finished with .83" of rain.
  19. I haven't seen hardly any negatively in our thread at all. Regardless of what the executive team decides, you have to be at least an honorary champion for managing 3 yards. That's impressive.
  20. A much milder 47 here with light rain continuing to fall. .73" has fallen.
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