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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. There you go...best way to go to Florida. We drive almost every time and I love it.
  2. Cloudy and 40. Everything is wet but nothing in the gauge yet.
  3. I completed my snow mow one year with air temps near 30. You do what you have to do.
  4. Next week will be full-bore spring. Looks like each day gets progressively warmer throughout the week. If colder weather does follow it's going to be a shock to more than just a lot of people.
  5. We've had flowers up for a week and a half. There are area of my yard that are >6" high. If I do get to mow today, I will be the 3rd on my block this week to do so. I am behind some of my neighbors. One mowed last Sunday.
  6. I have some stuff going on but if I get a chance, I'm mowing today. I have areas where my yard is out of control already.
  7. Only got down to 37 last night, already up to 45. Very warm feeling morning with just a very slight breeze here.
  8. MAG started this "I'm mowing for others" campaign, and I'll just say this right here, right now...mowing other people's yards is truly an incredibly kind and wonderful gesture. It really is. My hat tip goes to people who serve others like that. The world needs a lot more of those kind of people. So if I must concede the trophy this year for that type of service...easiest decision I've ever made.
  9. Finished with .31" of rain of which .08" fell since midnight.
  10. We can't even do rain right now: Tuesday: .50 - 1.00" forecast- .24" actually fell. Today: .50 - 1.00" forecast- 0.00" so far. Today's fail has been pretty epic. Going to put up a crooked number over the next couple of hours but it's not going to be much.
  11. You're not kidding - between January and February combined (58 days) there were only 18 days with highs below 40. And only 3 of them out of 29 days in February. There were quite a few (5-10 roughly) between 40 and 45...but if it stayed in the upper 30s on Saturday, it would only be the 4th time since January. That info is from MU's Climatology page.
  12. Rain is the one thing that can keep forecast highs from busting too low. Both CTP and the local forecasts have me getting into the low 50s on Saturday. Many days colder than that this year. Will be interesting to see how that plays out. I'm inclined to take the under on the 50s.
  13. Finished with just .24" of rain. Less than a third of forecast amounts.
  14. Maybe you're right, I just off the top of my head remember many times when Latrobe is sunbathing while we're in jackets. Okay...some are in jackets.
  15. 49.6 to be exact in Maytown. I'd like to know the last time Clearfield County was 20 degrees higher than here. It isn't super unusual for SW PA - but in that area, yes.
  16. We had music in the lunchroom in 7th grade...I remember playing Nok Hockey while listening to The Rubberband Man.
  17. Correct - I got in trouble in 7th grade English for staring out the window at the snow falling in Marticville. Mr. Musser didn't seem to understand the significance of May snow like I did.
  18. Yeah I know, but I question the 75 and Partly Sunny they're forecasting for June 1st. Like seriously...why is that even visible online to people? Is there anyone looking at an outdoor event on June 1st and saying "yep! We good! Forecast is for sunshine and mid 70s!"
  19. I'm pretty sure that when I'm sitting in Citizen's Bank Park on March 28th for the 3:05pm season opener it will be 41 degrees with a 22 mph wind at the ballpark.
  20. I agree with you 100% on this, and I'm not rushing anything...but I sure was enjoying what we've had and wouldn't complain if it continued.
  21. Watch the first 40 seconds of this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flwUudG7xGE
  22. It has been 17 days since the last flakes flew here - honestly it seems like it's been much longer. I'm sure Blizz will pull something out of the bottom of his toboggan tonight but I've moved on. The likelihood of snow drops with each passing day but more importantly...the chances of something significant are becoming extremely low. It is big game season for the HR guy...nuisance snows well into March or beyond just aren't appealing. Having said that - and directly to your post...while a nuisance snow in March is worthless to me, ANY kind of snow in May is very, very cool because of the novelty of such an event.
  23. I'll be online and ready for 6:30PM. Gonna make me some great fodder for my next "day in the life of Central PA" edition...
  24. Fanatics is an embarrassment. A complete monopoly and complete disgrace in merchandise quality. I got her a Phillies windbreaker for $69 and I've received better quality merch at giveaway games.
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