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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Red Wings come back from the dead. What a finish to the season unfolding. Looks like I'll be watching the playoffs in relax mode. LOL
  2. The way he's trending, hopefully it's Washington.
  3. Picked up .32" of totally unexpected rainfall today.
  4. Missing storms at home? https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=LWX-N0B-1-24-100-usa-rad
  5. Yeah...I remember you saying last night how bad it was. Skipped right over here evidently. I got 2 crazy but short downpours and that was it.
  6. It was far windier in Maytown all afternoon than it was last evening. Nothing to note at all with that. @Mount Joy Snowman - must have been somewhat isolated? I did not see anything out of the ordinary on my drive to Conestoga this morning. I don't recall even seeing any debris at all.
  7. Ended up getting .26" of rain last night. No storm but some of the rain survived it this far SE.
  8. Our thread includes people who live in that area...
  9. Picked up .15" of rain overnight. Total rainfall for Thursday - Friday was 1.04"
  10. Steve - so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. My heart goes out to you now.
  11. Raining again - going to end up right around 1" for the event.
  12. You're not kidding. That's one thing that stood out to me on my drive to work this morning - even though the rainfall amounts overnight weren't earth-shattering, there is water lying everywhere. There's no room for it to go right now.
  13. Flyers made their bed - they were firmly in control of their destiny and let it slip away. I'd like to see them beat the Devils tomorrow and then see how significant the final game becomes against your team.
  14. You were just a hair east last night and missed out on my training time - I had nearly an inch, my cousin in Washington Boro recorded 1.13".
  15. Time for some number updates: Rainfall since midnight: .31" Rainfall for this event: .87" Rainfall for April: 5.16" Rainfall 2024: 14.93"
  16. Heavy rain - approaching a quarter inch. If that cell NW of Baltimore hits here...going to end up over .5"
  17. Agree - probably the most knowledgeable, detailed color analyst today.
  18. Ohio has been racking up the colors this spring:
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