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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. MU's 8:30am observation was the only thing I've really seen yet south of Rt. 30. Sounds like about 5" at work which given the elevation further supports your thoughts.
  2. MU's Elliott measured 6.7" at his home 4 miles ENE of Dover. MU was lagging behind - they were only at 3.5" at 8:30am.
  3. You did a little better than I did with both of the January storms if I recall correctly. Steelers just cut Trubisky, Harvin, and Okorafor.
  4. My seasonal total is approximate as snow fell while I was in Florida - conservatively, I'm at 16.5" now.
  5. Elevation got you a few extra tenths of an inch!
  6. Just stopped completely. Honestly, I finished with between 5.9" and 6". Just a hair under 6". No slant-sticking for me. (you and I it sounds like ended up with exactly the same amount)
  7. I have a couple of trees lining my driveway - there is nothing but wet pavement under and around those trees. I only have 50% coverage on my driveway even though the road is 100% covered.
  8. LOL! I'm playing the back and forth game of "I really should shovel" - "nah...it's going to melt like crazy" - repeat. I'm thinking lazy wins out. (I'll shovel the sidewalk though)
  9. Holy cow, I haven't seen you here in forever! Thanks for sharing your report.
  10. This final band is delivering the goods - should abruptly end here in the next 15 minutes or so, I'm currently at 5.8"...
  11. 3 different measurements yielded an average of 5.3". In between 2 heavy bands now, intensity is just below moderate.
  12. Moderate rain and 41. Temp hasn’t budged in over 2 hours.
  13. Mt. Holly hoists warnings for everyone east and northeast of me - Lanco, York and Adams counties are the lonely ones.
  14. .05" of rain and 42.1 degrees currently. Even where the max snow stripe is - amounts are much less with each run. 24 hours ago the amounts were well north of 10"...about half of that now.
  15. Thank you for saying that. There is HUGE bust potential here...good and bad.
  16. He didn't comment for a couple of days until this morning. Remains to be seen about his "winter is over" call for early March but the current trends seem to be moving towards his thoughts. Even PSU Hoffman acknowledged this evening that he's getting discouraged.
  17. Having a hard time multitasking between reading here, looking at guidance, reading other met's thoughts and trying to work on weather info communication for work. A "fun stressful" day that I'll miss soon enough...
  18. LOL, no Cosgrove for me today. Amazing that there are people that take the little 'Hog literally.
  19. Good point. Until he elaborates, I'm not sure. His amounts I pulled from the comments section on X. A lot of models are showing a relative minima in accumulations just west of the river.
  20. He sure did, well, at least until late February which this doesn't qualify for.
  21. FWIW, and to the delight of many... MU just caved to the models. He acknowledged a massive shift south in guidance and is gung-ho for a plowable snowstorm. @Blizzard of 93 you said last Thursday evening that you couldn't wait for his map on Monday... It's coming soon, he just stated.
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