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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. The lack of crowd "involvement" last night spoke volumes - there were long stretches of dead silence. People were bored. The product on the floor was an insult to Indiana basketball fans.
  2. LOL, a "competitive" game was promised - the competition was who could hit 200 first. Even worse, if possible...the game actually regressed defensively as it went along.
  3. If the airport in Thomasville (York County) had similar snowpack to what you do - they would likely hit zero or below tonight. It's amazing how favored areas do with snow cover on optimum radiational cooling nights. I'm curious to hear what your low is tomorrow morning.
  4. Feels a little deflating in here (Americanwx) today - only 155 actively online currently out of over 17,500 members. Not good for February 19th.
  5. You are spot on with the near 10 degree difference - my current forecast low from State College is 21. Just for fun, I'll say my low tonight will be 18.8.
  6. Growing up adjacent to the Susquehanna, every winter featured ice skating on the river and many years when huge ice jams would back the river up and cause flooding in Washington Boro and at Long Level. I remember one year the mounds of ice were over 10' high and the ice would "moan" as it slowly moved about. Skating on the Susquehanna hasn't been available for years down this way and ice jams are rare as well. Just doesn't get cold enough, long enough for it to happen.
  7. I adjusted your post - did you forget that we had snow on May 7th in 2020? You are slipping Blizz!
  8. LNP (Lancaster Newspaper) with a humorous article this morning - "this is now the 2nd snowiest winter in Lancaster since 2019" That's like saying that I haven't gone to work since Friday.
  9. On the bright side, your tried and true methodology of forecasting meant that you weren't surprised.
  10. I read that in Berks County 10 miles separated 2.5" from 12". Painful to be just outside that band. And to think that band moved east from Ohio to New Jersey and maintained about the same intensity and size. Fascinating system. No one saw 15" coming out of it.
  11. If I wouldn't have gotten under that one band overnight I probably would have been close to MDT's total. I essentially had a 50 minute snowstorm.
  12. Darn right! I was surprised to see you were down to 19 already. Shoot, I won't get that low by morning.
  13. Great wintry day Blizz. My wife has a big pot of Chili cooking and it's going to taste mighty good in a couple of hours.
  14. The trajectory off the lakes often misses us to the east, sometimes west. We usually sit on the sidelines on days like today but we just had a flush hit. Fun to watch!
  15. One of the heaviest squalls in recent memory is here - melted grassy areas are getting covered. Temp has crashed to 29 quickly.
  16. Despite midday heating, my temp has dropped from 34.6 down to 31.2 in the past 90 minutes. This is without precip.
  17. Exactly what I measured. It was a great show for about an hour overnight. Honestly glad I stayed up and went out in it. Visibility was down to a couple hundred feet.
  18. All roads in my area were covered overnight. The band that one band was intense enough to pull it off. Everything had melted on the roads by shortly after sunrise.
  19. Final total here in Maytown was 3.1" 1.8" fell between 1:15 and 2:05am. Season total is 19.6"
  20. Light snow here but very little accumulation so far and wet paved areas.
  21. I had 5 minutes of flurries an hour ago. That's been it.
  22. 11:25pm and absolutely nothing is happening here - cloudy and back up to 37.
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