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About Itstrainingtime

  • Birthday 09/07/1965

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Maytown PA
  • Interests
    Weather, Baltimore Orioles, Penn State Football, Steam Trains, and a passion for helping people be the best they can be in life.

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  1. Rain here seems lighter than radar would suggest. I was just under reds and oranges and it was barely moderate intensity.
  2. 12z Euro has an menacing line of severe weather plowing through during that time frame.
  3. GFS...oh my, GFS. Still showing a paste bomb on 4/1...
  4. All to often theme for months on end. At least the greater Harrisburg area did really well compared to most of us with the last system. JNS had 4X what I got and I think you and Blizz doubled or tripled me.
  5. It was an April storm that would have made January proud - midday temps in the mid 20s with tons of blowing and drifting snow. The only thing out of the ordinary from a true winter storm was the late sunset.
  6. It has been wrong in bizarre fashion this winter. This is not the first time it was insistent on a big snow event when no other model showed it (granted, the Euro did for a run or two with this one) only to cave after many runs of deep, deep snow.
  7. Here's what Kyle Elliott has to say about all of this: @MUweather With so much snowstorm hype returning, I encourage all my followers to NOT trust the GFS. 2-3" snowstorms in late Mar/early Apr are a rarity in south-central PA. 2-3' ones have never occurred in the 1900s or 2000s. The GFS's track record has been abysmal this winter.
  8. And there is nothing wrong with tracking. I hope no one gives you grief...grief is being given in other subs and I don't understand why. Sure, the odds of something happening at the end of March/early April are really small...but that's not a reason to not invest in your interest with the right perspective. I wasn't expecting nearly 9" of snow on 4/6/1982 but that's exactly what happened.
  9. This. And it's not just the GFS and it's not limited to this winter. I had said back in September that I was going to keep a tally of digital snow vs ground truth this winter. Waiting patiently to post the final numbers, but I'll just say now that the 100" number you threw out there is actually too low.
  10. I've been in my home for 25 years (and paid off for 5 years!) and have never had any damage from prevailing N/NW/W oriented winds. But when southerly winds start howling, all bets are off. There was a period of time yesterday afternoon when I was feeling a lot of anxiety. Never felt that way in any of the windiest "cold direction" wind events.
  11. Just .63" here. Airpark a couple of tenths of a mile down the road reported a top wind gust yesterday of 38mph...I had that one gust that was WAY above that. Glad that @Festus backed me up because those were some legit High Wind Warning conditions mid-afternoon.
  12. Thank you! First new car purchase in 27 years. Got a Hyundai Tucson and love it. We did not get hail; and unfortunately, not much rain. Less than a half inch so far.
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