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Everything posted by WinstonSalemArlington

  1. World Climate Service @WorldClimateSvc I'm sure others have noted that the November pattern from North America to Europe was very similar to the historical precursor for strongly negative NAO winters
  2. WARNING: Depiction may appear SNOWIER and LESS ICY than verification.
  3. The mood on WX Twitter today is very chipper and buzzy for those in the Eastern half of the U.S. Let's hope it holds.
  4. What a difference a day makes. Suddenly, everyone is starting to honk about an upcoming mid month snow and ice chance for the Carolinas northward.
  5. Judah Cohen: the possibility of a significant #PolarVortex displacement increasing for mid-December, I believe one analog for winter 2019/20 moves to the head of the class. Read which one and my reasoning in the latest blog: https://t.co/FilGD8XG8Z https://t.co/1oRX0XNyzH
  6. Tony Pann @TonyPannWBAL · 53m It's 2 weeks until Thanksgiving. So what is a good way to do a long range guess at the weather around the Holiday? Answer: MJO. Both the Euro and GFS ensembles have the MJO going into Phase 8 by the 27th-28th. That usually means colder than normal temps for the Mid Atlantic.
  7. Bret Walts @BretWaltsWx · 3m GEFS is going full steam ahead for big cold again towards the end of November. This is likely in part driven by MJO propagation into colder phases 8-1-2. Some of our top tropical analogs support the GEFS idea. Better get used to the cold. #Energy #NatGas
  8. Eric Webb: Fwiw, also notice at the end of the this 12z HRRR loop there are lake effect rain/snow showers emanating off of Kerr & Falls Lake in the northern piedmont near Raleigh-Durham, a testament to the intensity of this arctic air mass that'll be arriving in the Carolinas tomorrow #ncwx Something you won't see everyday: lake effect snow in central NC! A lake effect snow band coming off of Lake Kerr (located near the VA border) is producing snow across parts of the central coastal plain this evening w/ a few light snow reports in Johnston Co! #ncwx @NWSRaleigh https://t.co/5kvbcFdAga
  9. Jonathan Wall: Latest on Tuesday’s system: 12z Euro with a Trace-1” for favored NC Piedmont areas, Durham County and north & west midday Tues. Timing is far from ideal (changeover ~2pm-3pm for Wake) making a November snow even harder to come by. Worth watching for a quick mid-day dusting. #ncwx https://t.co/UBj0kzpx0n
  10. With several hours of below-freezing temperatures this morning across the Coastal Plain, the growing season has officially ended for all of central NC. This means frost and freeze headlines will not be issued again until the new growing season begins in the spring of 2020. #ncwx
  11. How many ice storms have there been in this region in November?
  12. Except when we received 15 inches in an early December storm last year. Apologetic my Sarcasm Detector failed.
  13. Looking like we could have at least day with highs in the 30s next week. January cold for Vets Day!
  14. Growing season has ended for almost of all western, central, and northeast North Carolina
  15. #Charlotte had it's 1st official Freeze of the season this morning when we hit 31°. That last freeze was back on April 3rd. This is pretty close to average which is the 1st week of November. #cltwx #ncwx https://t.co/TRTPUDEhai
  16. Our average high now is in the 70s. The insanity must stop!
  17. The good thing is that in a few days, six or seven degrees above normal still will be below 90.
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