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Everything posted by WinstonSalemArlington

  1. Down to 35 and rain in Winston. So close again to it being a winter storm
  2. Actually it was cold almost throughout. Just little snow
  3. [in my Mommy Dearest voice]: No More Freezing Rain!
  4. The snow-covered Acropolis adds insult to injury WINTER WONDERLAND: Snow covered Athens and other parts of Greece amid a cold front. https://t.co/nQgngXMGdl https://t.co/rTMcAi7jEE
  5. Larry Cosgrove: As I have stated more than once, this winter would not be a walk in the park. Just as there is recovery for about a week after the "Texas Nightmare" storm system (which, face it, had huge national impacts as well), we inevitably will fall victim to other systems that will bring their own dose of harsh cold, snow, and ice. And I think I see that feature waiting in the wings over the central/eastern Pacific Ocean. Ensemble members last week showed a deeper low moving from southern Colorado to Virginia, then up along and off of the Eastern Seaboard. A pocket of colder air will link up with the circulation, implying that any rainfall associated with the low pressure area will turn to rain. I note that some of the numerical models show the snow potential way down in the Deep South, which is probably an indicator that the reach of the surface freeze line will drop close to the Interstate 10 corridor. Watch this feature, just in case.
  6. Like most of southwest Virginia, It’s very isolated and economically depressed.
  7. Harrisonburg receives an average of about 24 inches of snow per year, similar to Philly. It can snow there from November to April. In cold periods, snowcover can last for a couple of weeks, and snow on snow is not rare.
  8. As least for the western and northern half of NC, and VA, I don’t understand the “it won’t snow After mid February” faction here. If anything, March snows have become more prevalent In the last decade.
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