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Everything posted by WinstonSalemArlington

  1. Is there an analog storm that has pasted the Charleston WV to GSP to Fayetteville to RDU to DC to Philly to this extent?
  2. Temps will be shaded below guidance as cold air damming develops Friday from 1040 mb high pressure over New England. The wintry precipitation will continue into the early extended period.
  3. VA is part of the South. Moreover, there are people who argue NC or Portions of it are in the MA. It’s subjective identity. No harm to be inclusive
  4. He is only reporting what models are depicting now, which is not an endorsement of a forecast. The contact is clear here.
  5. It’s a tough call. The mass access to and distribution of model outputs create a dilemma for meteorologists, especially tv Mets. They are constantly bombarded with questions about model outputs. It would be difficult to not Acknowledge models. Most tv Mets now are publicly interpreting different model depictions when major events are likely.
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