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Everything posted by WinstonSalemArlington

  1. Doubts about accuracy aren’t confined to Triangle mets
  2. RDU does it again while GSO sits at 92. Even Columbia is impressed
  3. How is RDU averaging an eyepoppin 4.9 degrees above normal this month while nearby GSO is merely 1.7 degrees above normal?
  4. Excellent points. I guess what really struck many of us yesterday was how isolated to the Triangle and Sandhills the big heat was. The Triad was unremarkable yesterday, while RDU was at historic heat levels. Even normally hottest Fayetteville was cooler.
  5. Wetter? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXEKPviXwAIeuG2?format=jpg&name=900x900
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