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Posts posted by dWave

  1. 15 minutes ago, weathermedic said:

    Holding in upper 50s low 60s along the south shore areas of the city. 62 at my station in Sheepshead Bay.

    66 here with hazy sunshine. Only 59 at LGA and 71 at the Park.(I suspect LGA has recovered since the last reading though) This time of yr is the Park's time to shine before LGA becomes the citys warm spot in the summer.

  2. 15 hours ago, gravitylover said:

    No 100's ;) Alright? High 80's is ok. Riding a bike kinda sux when it's really hot.

    You can build up a tolerance for it, if you drink lots of water etc. The humidity is a killer though. I've done rides in the low 90s with relatively low humidity. If you're not trying to race up hills its not so bad. Last summer I rode very little cuz it was always extremely humid. 75+ dewpoints seemed almost daily at one point. Even temps in the low 80s wit that humidity it was hard to do any activity beyond stand still.

  3. 8 hours ago, bluewave said:

    Yeah, that’s why the NYC first 80 of spring is usually a few weeks ahead of ISP. Years like 2010 are the exception rather than the rule.

    NYC first 80 of spring since 2010

    Minimum 04-07 (2010) 09-14 (2012) 140
    Mean 04-16 10-03 169
    Maximum 05-10 (2014) 10-19 (2016) 183
    2018 04-13 (2018) 82 10-10 (2018) 80 179
    2017 04-11 (2017) 80 10-10 (2017) 81 181
    2016 04-18 (2016) 82 10-19 (2016) 85 183
    2015 04-18 (2015) 80 09-29 (2015) 83 163
    2014 05-10 (2014) 83 09-28 (2014) 84 140
    2013 04-09 (2013) 82 10-04 (2013) 86 177
    2012 04-16 (2012) 88 09-14 (2012) 80 150
    2011 04-11 (2011) 81 10-10 (2011) 81 181
    2010 04-07 (2010) 92 09-25 (2010) 89 170


    Minimum 04-07 (2010) 09-08 (2012) 137
    Mean 04-30 09-30 152
    Maximum 05-25 (2016) 10-19 (2016) 177
    2018 05-02 (2018) 84 09-19 (2018) 80 139
    2017 04-16 (2017) 82 10-10 (2017) 81 176
    2016 05-25 (2016) 88 10-19 (2016) 84 146
    2015 05-12 (2015) 82 09-29 (2015) 81 139
    2014 05-11 (2014) 80 09-27 (2014) 82 138
    2013 04-09 (2013) 82 10-04 (2013) 82 177
    2012 04-16 (2012) 80 09-08 (2012) 80 144
    2011 05-25 (2011) 81 10-10 (2011) 83 137
    2010 04-07 (2010) 85 09-29 (2010) 80 174



    That chart reminded me of an article I read somewhere a few yrs ago about avg onset of real warmth in the spring. It found one of the most reliable weather events is 80s in mid April. Things like first/last freeze have more variability, but 80 by mid April is pretty reliable.  Of course there is often more cool dreary weather to follow in these parts. 

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