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Posts posted by dWave

  1. 3 hours ago, bluewave said:



    Yeah the AQI got went from the "unhealthy for sensitive groups" category to just plain old "unhealthy." Dont see that around here much.  Went to work in person near WTC and it was an impressive view from above, saw Hudson Yards become completely obscured as the day progressed and the haze/smoke get lower and lower, closer to ground level by mid afternoon.

  2. 7 hours ago, bluewave said:

    This is an odd looking departure map for July. Looks more like a spring backdoor pattern. Warmer west of NYC away from the onshore influence.



    Explains the disparity in how this summer is perceived heat wise across the area. June was hot but July has had multiple cloudy, dreary, cool (for July) days. Those breaks in the warmth takes away from that summer feel despite a few hot spells. Jersey ppl havent experience that as much.

  3. 9 minutes ago, FPizz said:

    I think Philly's new average for the warmest part of the year is now 89.  

    Sounds right..fits the progression up I 95. DC max normal high is 90 now, for most of July. First time they ever had a 90 "normal." LGA tops out at 87 (up 1 degree). Central Park tops out at 85, also up 1 degree. I remember the normal high at the Park used to be 86 though back in the 90s

    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, Eduardo said:

    Not a drop of rain (yet) in Brooklyn Heights, but things look like they're rocking up in Harlem and the Bronx!

    Multiple deluges. Flash flooding at multiple spots in the Bronx and beyond. Major Deegan is closed with stranded vehicles waiting for rescue.  That alone causes cascading traffic disaster all around and into NJ. Plus the flooding problems  on the usual suspects, Bronx River, Hutch, Saw Mill etc.

    • Sad 1
  5. 3 hours ago, nycwinter said:

    so outside the park it was like 102

    I saw Lee Goldberg referencing the high yday  saying..you know its really hot out if even the Park can get to 95.

  6. at 101 now, after a brief dip. Corona, & Tremont were 102 at one point. Also, a few traffic lights going out intermittently. Same time as the emergency alert came through for NYC, to limit all power uses as much as possible

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  7. 2 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    I just find it really hard to believe that 2020 was anywhere near as hot as 2010 was, you can see that with how few its 90 degree highs are compared to 2010.  The other thing is I always notice a significant bump up in temps after I leave Manhattan and drive into Queens through the Midtown tunnel.  The temps in that area are higher than they are in any other part of the city.  From about the part of Queens right outside the Midtown tunnel through about the Grand Central Parkway.  There's some park with a lake in it  just off the GCP and after that point, the temps start dropping again.


    That makes sense, western Queens is very dense and urbanized, and becomes a little less so the futher east you get. Also around LIC you have about 12 miles of land including the most urbanized parts of Brooklyn separating you from the Atlantic, once you get out to GCP, your lined up with Jamaica Bay and now you only have about 6 miles btwn you and the water.

    I feel similar about Manhattan, during the day it does feel a little less hot compared to just outside of it, I think its cuz there so much shade from tall bldgs. Just out of there esp Queens and the Bx its still very urbanized but without all the shade, so much more sun reaches the ground to bake you.  I do noticed those temps really peak on and near roads like 278/BQE, Bruckner, Deegan, Cross Bronx. That kinda what alot of NYC is like away from the water or in a park.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 57 minutes ago, nycwinter said:

    when it was about 5:20 the sun was rising i could see the reflection of sun off some buildings in nyc after that the sky got cloudier. it always seem to be cloudy in the nyc area when some eclipse is happening it is never clear.

    I think 2024 there will be a solar eclipse, over 90% here, in early afternoon. You wont need a clear view of the horizon at that time of day.

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