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Everything posted by HillsdaleMIWeather

  1. Significant damage across Steuben county Indiana from 80mph wind gusts
  2. Yeah and in the text they pointed out the southern threat was more conditional due to crapvection... and yet removed the northern hatch where we have an overperforming environment. The SPC really does baffle me sometimes.
  3. Wondering if there'll be a moderate risk upgrade in 15 mins
  4. Sun is out here which wasn't supposed to happen at all today. A little nervous to say the least lol Correct, a very long streak
  5. Enhanced and slight risk areas expanded a bunch at the 9 am update, text now mentions strong tornadoes making it into southern Lower MI.
  6. The early morning rain looks to be exiting a couple hours ahead of schedule across northern Indiana and southern MI
  7. Starting a new thread for this considering the 10% sig tor added
  8. Please, we'd kill for even one MCS right now
  9. Down south getting a derecho and meanwhile we're in a drought, we're in opposite season folks
  10. Farm crisis 2023 incoming if we don't get some good long soaking rains
  11. A couple of heat storms popping up near south bend
  12. At this rate our lawns are all gonna be dead soon lol
  13. Musk and Twitter support said it was intentional, you only get 60 free tweets a month on a bot account and then have to pay for Blue, which the iembot guy obvious can't afford and he won't give an exception to the NWS.
  14. I don't know how anyone who's even slightly interested in the weather can defend Musk's changes, he completely broke many warning and spotting dissemination APIs and resulted in the banning of 16 IEMbot accounts for "spam"
  15. Pretty moderate snow shower coming through here right now
  16. Saturday and Sunday look to give some severe, especially in Eastern Iowa and Western/Central Illinois
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